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Logan's POV

I woke up the next day in my bed. What the hell happened last night?

E- "Logan hey how you feeling?"

L-"I'm good but what happened last night?"

E- "Chloe called me and all she said was to pick you up from a location she sounded like she was in a rush and she was crying"

*looks at time*

L- "Shit i have to go to set. Thanks for everything bro. I owe you one."

Chloe's POV

I woke up from Austin screaming at me. Ugh why did my parents make me stay with him. Anyone but him would be great. I tried ignoring him which resulted to him hitting me. I got to my car crying. i just wanted to see Logan and be in his arms.

Logan's POV

I was doing hair and makeup and I saw Chloe walk in. She looked upset and tired which me feel upset. Also, why was she wearing a long sleeve tee? Its like 100 degrees out. she was done and rushed out without even making eye contact with me which was odd because we would always wait for each other and talk.

Chloe's POV

I really wasnt in the mood to talk to Logan right now.

L- "Chloe wait up!"

I started to walk faster to the steps of my trailer until he grabbed my arm and I turned around and groaned in pain rubbing my arm.

L- "Omg Chloe are you ok? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

C-" Its ok Logan. Here come inside"

L- "Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to get you ice or anything"

I turned around and looked him straight in the eyes and said 

C- "I'm fine. I promise. Thank you."

We sat down on the couch I have. I enjoyed having him with me.

C- "Hey logan do you remember anything that happened last night"

L- "Not really. I remember dancing with you but everything after i don't remember"

C-"oh." I sighed 

Logan's POV

Chloe looked really sad. She couldn't even make eye contact with me. I cupped her chin pulling her face towards mine but not to harsh and looked her in the eye.

L- "You sure you okay?"

She nodded her head and looked back down. She still looked really sad but I had an idea to cheer her up. I may not of remembered everything last night but i do remember the song that we were dancing to.

Chloe's POV

I hear music playing. Oh god what is Logan up to now. I look up and he has his hand out.

L- "Wanna dance"

he had a smirk on his face that I couldn't resist.

C- "I hate you."

I laughed as I got up holding his hand. He's the cutest thing. I have to keep in mind I have a boyfriend though. As much as i don't like him i don't want to be a cheater. 

Logan's POV

I want to kiss her. It's taking every ounce in my body not to. Remember Logan she has a boyfriend. She's probably very happy with him anyway. 

It was near the end of the song so I decided to spice things up. I dipped her being sensitive to her arms. Our faces were so close together. What happened next was unforgettable. 

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