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*Next morning*

Chloe's POV

I woke up with a massive headache

C- "Oh my what time is it"

SHIT I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SET. Wait do I even wanna go? I'm still hurting a lot from yesterday. I checked my phone and looked through all the messages.

Logan: I stepped out for the night. Hope you feel better tomro. Goodnight. Sweet dreams love.

Logan: Hey Chlo. Idk if you're coming on set but if you do I got some Advil and your favourite chocolate

Logan: Hope you feel better guuuuurl.

Awwww. What a great thing to wake up to. He's so sweet. I decided to go to set partially because I want to see Logan and partially because I want to pursue my dream. I promised not be so hard on myself and take is easy.

Logan's POV

I'm doing hair and makeup and I'm quiet which surprised all the cast mates cause I'm usually screaming in my vlogs. I wanted to see Chloe but at the same time i didn't. I wanted to make sure if she was ok and for her to rest.

I opened my vlog content because I barely have any vlog footage and set it up on the table while talking to the makeup lady. I heard the door open so I looked through the view finder to see who it was. Chloe. My heart stopped but I had to play it cool for the vlog.

L- "Well well well if it isn't Chloe Bennet"

C- "Hey loooove"

She came up behind me and hugged me. And i decided to act crazy for my vlog.


We both started laughing. I looked at her.

L- "How are you?"

C- "I'm great. Sore. But great."

L- "wow what a gentlemen Logan bravo"

I closed the vlog camera

L- "But honestly how are you"

"hurt." she whispered

L- "awwww" I hugged her

Danny, Ashleigh and Jessie- "Awwwwwwwww"

J- "wait are you guys a thing?"

A- "Isn't she with-"

L- "No. We aren't a thing."

I was done hair and makeup so I headed to my trailer and everyone stayed back.

Where we a thing? Do I even want to date her? Like, as much as I love her, she just went through a break up.

Chloe's POV

I stayed with the cast for a bit till I was finished hair and makeup then headed to my trailer. Where we a thing. No. I can't move so quickly. Jheez. But I love Logan. What have I gotten myself into.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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