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Point of view: 3rd person


This is the start of a long twisted and beautiful adventure are you ready??
If so let us begin....

It was stormy night, as a lonely mother driving on a wet path leading deep into the mountains of Puerto Rico.

She had nothing but the clothes on her back and the two babies sleeping gently  In the back seat.
Neatly wrapped in there soft yellow blankets, she looks back with a deep sadness in her eyes, tears begin to form as she looks away to focus on driving.

The path covered with slippery stone as the intense and seemingly melancholy rain and wind moved in the trees hitting on the windows of the car causing a relaxing affect helping the babies rest.

No thunder can be heard, as if the storm itself was not mad but was to in a state of a strange and peaceful sorrow.

The path is dark the only light coming from the mothers old Beat up car, it was red with rust, "un poquito más" (just a little more) the mother thought to herself.

10 minutes pass, she has finally arrived to her destination.

An area covered with plants, flamboyan trees especially, the mother puts the rusted car on park, she reaches back and places both of the tiny infants in a weaved basket.

She looks down at there small hands and round faces, she begins to cry, tears streaming down her cheeks slowly dropping on the babies blankets.

She wipes her tears away.

Holds on to them with her life and gets out of the car, she walks slowly in the rain she places them at the foot of  one of the many trees...
She gets back in her car and leaves..

Not soon after an old woman dressed in a tattered floral dress, with silver wavy hair down to her hips, covered in jewelry made of sea glasses and silver rings, with a graceful face with wrinkles of time, she looks upon the children in confusion.
She realized and thought to herself. "Mis nietos! O nietas? Quien importas!"

(My grandsons! Or granddaughters? Who cares!)
The mysterious old woman claims them and walks back behind the trees.

Revealing an old and very beautiful house.


So what do you think?? Lol thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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