Chapter 10

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"Who got robbed?" I ask while pecking at my peanut butter sandwich. "The old couple down the street, Mr and Mrs Hales" Hunter replies. "Aw, I feel bad" I tell him. "Why? They were the ones who left their windows open and back door unlocked" he replies coldly. "I didn't mean it like that" he mumbles into his beer can. I look over at Noah whose devouring his PB&J. His hair is matted and wet from his bubble bath earlier. "I like Mrs Hales, she gives me cookies" Noah pipes. I smile. "But every time she does she pinches my cheeks" he adds. I smile again.

"Can't I stay up like a big boy?" Noah whines as I try to lug him to bed. "No, it's nine o'clock, a long time after your bedtime" I reply. "But mommy, I'm not even tired" he pleads as he begins to yawn. "Yes you are. So Noah you are going to bed!" I order. "But"-"no Noah! You're gonna march your little butt into that room and get some shut eye!" I exclaim. "I don't wanna" he whines folding his arms across his chest. "You're going to bed" I say grabbing Noah's hand. "Nooo...please! I don't wanna go to bed! Please don't make me go! Please!" He cries giving me his irresistible pouty face. "You need your rest young man. That pouty face won't work on me. So come on we're both going to bed" I order. He groans. "Noah come on or else you're gonna be in trouble. And you know how people punish kids in trouble" I warn. His eyes grow big. "Th-they s-sp-spank th-them?" He asks uneasily. I nod confirming his fears. He zooms out of my hand and into his room.

I'd never spank him it's just good to make him think I will.

"Goodnight Noah" I say kissing his forehead. He's already dressed, has his teeth brushed, and his stuffed animals all in place. "Please don't spank me" Noah whimpers. "I won't, baby" I assure him. "I love you" Noah tells me. "I love you too" I reply kissing his cheek. I go to get up but I remember something.

"I have to go into work for a little, do you wanna come with me or have miss Jackie watch you?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I'll let you decide in the morning, goodnight Noah" I say. "Night" he mumbles cozying himself in bed. I exit his room and leave the door cracked open.

"Yes...yes...I'll be there tomorrow at one...thank you...yes I too...goodbye"I hear Hunter say. When I enter the living room I see Hunter slam his phone into the couch.

"What's a matter?" I ask. "Nothing" he spits pushing past me and to the kitchen. I hear the fridge slam close and Hunter pushes past me nearly knocking me over. "Hunter Gabriel Dawson tell me!" I shout at him. "I lost my job!" He shouts at me. "Wh-which one?" I stutter. "The one at the car dealership" he mutters anger overflowing in his voice. "Wh-what? Why!" I ask. "Because one day I had fallen asleep in my car. I was asleep for thirty two minutes and I had a break for thirty minutes. And that dealership fired me for those two freaking minutes!" He yells. "You still have your other right?" I ask slowly walking to the couch where Hunter is sitting. "Yeah but my toy job doesn't really pay enough to for food, utilities, clothes, none of the less medical bills" Hunter growls finishing his beer. "I have my job" I remind him. I shouldn't of said that. "I'm gonna go for a walk or something" he snarls. He walks to the kitchen, grabs a beer, and then heads out slamming the door behind him. I stand there for a while soaking in the silence. After a while I head up to bed.

I glance in Noah's room. He's all tangled up in his blankets, comforter, stuffies, and what ever else he has in his bed. I walk back to my bedroom. I just flop in bed, not even bothering to change into my clothes. Today was...tiring.

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