Chapter 12

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I've read seven manuscripts and I feel like I wanna gouge out my eyes. Noah watched three and a half Scooby Doo movies before crashing. He looks really peaceful as he sleeps, wrapped up in his blanket with his arms clutching his stuffed animal. I snap out of my daze when I hear my office phone go off. I quickly answer hoping it hasn't woke Noah.

"Hello?" I ask my voice hushed. "Hey Tori, Lance is in his office now" Stephanie informs me. "Oh, thanks Stephanie. I'll be out in a minute" I reply. Before she hangs up I blurt out my question. "Do you think he'd mind me bring Noah into the meeting? He's asleep and I don't want him to wake up and me not be there" I ramble. "I doubt he'll mind" she replies. "Thanks so much, bye" I say ending the call.

I pull the rolling chair away from my desk and let out a quiet sigh. I get up and carefully pick up Noah hoping not to disturb his sleep. I keep him wrapping in his blanket with his stitch in arms. I head to Lance's office and prepare my words.

I gently knock on the door. "Come in" I hear Lance's deep voice order. I come in and as soon as I do Lance stares at Noah in my arms. "Do you mind if he stays? He's asleep and I don't want him waking up with me not being there" I explain. Lance's stern facial expression quickly turns into a friendly one. "No, he's fine" he replies as he pushes aside a stack of paperwork.

"Why'd you come to see me Tori?" He asks. I take a deep breath. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. "I'm having a few problems with paying for Noah's several hospital and doctor visit" I start out. Lance nods signaling me to continue. "I would like to ask you if I could have a few extra manuscripts for a little more pay? I don't mean like several hundreds of dollars, I just mean like maybe ten dollar per manuscript?" I ask. Lance lets out a breath of air. "I deny your deal" he starts. My gut twists. "I propose a new deal. You do just a couple extra manuscripts and in return I'll pay for Noah's medical bills" Lance requests. "Sir, I couldn't"-"I want you to. I have billions of dollars but nothing and no one to spend it on. It'd be my pleasure to help you out" He assures me. I don't know whether to cry or jump for joy. I've never had someone in my life who wanted to help me so much. "Thank you" I cry shaking his hand. He gives me a friendly smile. "Thank you" I say again. "Why don't you take the day off. Do a couple fun things with him" He tells me. "Thank you" I say again starting to get up. He smiles.

As I'm walking back to my office-okay maybe I was skipping a little-Noah starts to stir.

"Mommy" Noah breathes nuzzling his head in my shoulder. "Yes baby?" I ask finally reaching my office door. He just stares at me as if I didn't say anything. "Noah?" I call. He gets this scared look on his face and I can see tears in his eyes. "I-I can't hear" he cries.

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