Chapter 1: The One and Only Goddess Of Passion!

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            His name is Yuri Akamatsu. Just a simple 18 year old student in his last year of Drans Academy, Okinawa. He lived alone, and has been for almost 3 years now. A sweet virgin, never been kissed, never had a girlfriend. Only an average 5” 7’ tall, 145 pounds. He never worried too much about anything, because nothing ever really happened in his life….

            Until today.


     Walking home from school under the cherry blossoms, Yuri took the short cut through the town garden. It lied right beside the academy, and his house on the other end. When I get home, I’m heading straight to sleep, he thought. He looked up, gazing in awe as the sunlight glittered off the pink petals. Stopping, one fell, landing on his cheek. He laughed to himself, wiping it off. “What a peaceful day…” Picking up his pace again, he began to continue on down the path. No sooner than he lifted his foot was the moment his life changed.

     HIIYAAAH!! Yuri turned just in time to take the pain of another student’s case slam across his face. He flew across the path, landing only a few feet away. The last thing he could remember was what he swore to be an angel’s voice...



            Yuri woke up, shooting himself up from his sheets. Breathing heavy, he rubbed his cheek, still feeling a sharp pain. “Wha…A dream?..” He ran his finger through his short, baby pink hair. “Maybe I just nee—,“ His words immediately shut off. He had placed his hand down to his side for balance, only to end up squeezing the softest thing he could’ve ever touched in his life: Breasts.

            He sprang from the bed, yelling out as he stood on the floor. “What the…Who the hell are you!?” The stranger slowly opened her eyes, glaring him from head to toe. Sitting up, the blanket fell from her body, revealing her naked torso. Her hair, a sweet violet, hung loose and low, reaching past her ass as the ends curled on the sheets. She opened her mouth to speak, and when her voice became known to Yuri, his eyes widened.

            “Oh, sweetie, you’re awake.” She smiled, calm and alluring, and slid her legs off the bed, standing up with him. “I’m really sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean to—“ Yuri backed up, frozen in a his own blush. He had raised a hand to his face to shield his eyes from such a…beauty. “Is something the matter, dear?”

            Turning swiftly, he yelled out a flurry of questions. “Who are you?! Why the hell did you knock me out?! Why the hell are you naked in my bed?!!” He stood, trembling in his posture.

            “Oh dear, I never introduced myself properly.” Pushing her hair behind her ears, the stranger pushed out a hip, placed a hand down atop it as if royal, and gave out her proper intro.

            “My name is Zeveria Li. My father is Eros, and I am the oldest of three siblings. I, dear, am the Goddess of Passion. To answer your other questions, I never meant to knock you out, I accidentally had gotten you confused with another clie…eerr…patient of mine. So I decided to have sex with you to repay for your troubles.”

            Yuri’s hands dropped to his sides like noodles. Turning slowly, he stared wide-eyed at the woman in his room. “You…you….TOOK MY VIRGINITY?!” Smiling soft, Zeveria simply pointed to his body and nodded. Yuri looked down upon himself, now noticing the lack of clothing.

            “So you’re telling me….,” He lowered his voice, asking a simple question.


            “And you are really…”


            “All because you…”

            “Yup and yup.”

            Yuri dropped to his knees, gripping his hair. Seeming paralyzed through mind, he then began… the “freak-out’.


     “You took my virginity in my sleep, woman! Now I don’t know the taste, the feel, the smell…how it LOOKED…” Calmly, he looked up to the bare skinned female in his room. “Woman, have ruined me.” 



     The next morning, Yuri woke up bright and early. School was one thing he didn't like, but there was no point in skipping, for he never had anything to do anyway. Walking out the house, he stretched, closed the gate, and froze. Staring ahead, the girl of his dreams came from around the corner, dressed in her school uniform as well.

     Soft, brown hair, delicate yet foggy blue eyes, lips of a an angel and the body of a gypsy. Llena Noir was the crush of his life since 2nd grade. The only issue was she didn't like him. She thought of him as an annoying brat, and only accepted him as a simple friend. She saw him as she came around the corner, and her smile drooped. 

     "H-hey Llena! Good morning!" Yuri stuttered, his words shy. "How are you doing today?" He ran over and stood beside her, his school bag over his shoulder. She only ignored him, keeping her vision focused ahead of her. "Oh I see, silent this morning, are we?" 

     Llena swung her bag in front of her and sped up. "I'm fine." Nearing the school entrance, she turned into the gateway, leaving him behind. Yuri slowed down, eventually stopping. Looking up over the brick wall surrounding the school, he gazed up to the name engraved near the roof. 

     "Weiss High...a living hell..." He turned through the gateway as well, trudging his way to the school door. No one spoke to him, for he never spoke to anyone. Everyone knew his name though, and only because of an accident with him and the principal's chest. Yuri rubbed his hand through his dark brown hair and walked through the door of his class room, and sat in the same front set as always. The bell rang just in time, and the teacher, Ms. Litera opened class with her broad voice.

     "Okay, students, good morning! Before we start today, I have a surprise." She walked, her heels clicking against the floor, and opened the classroom door. "We have a new student. Everyone, welcome her in!" The female walked in past the teacher, and she smiled. The boys dropped jaws at her beauty, and the girls fan-girled over her hair. Yuri lifted his head from the desk and he froze, as if his internal soul had just shattered. "Introduce yourself, dear."

     The student walked to the chalk board and picked up the chalk. Clearing her throat, she spoke as she wrote her name. "Nice to meet you! My name is Zeveria Li..." She eyes pierced at Yuri, spread a smile, continued her sentence, "And I'm Yuri's sex mate!" 

     The whole classroom broke into a riot over her words, practically crushing Yuri with compliments and questions of how, why, and when. Only one thing ran through Yuri's mind: "WHAT THE FUCK?!"



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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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