Stealing Every Piece of Your Heart: Chapter 1 (A Zayn Malik Fanfic)

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I woke up stretching my long pale limbs to shake the last ounces of sleep still lingering in my body. Looking around my still unfamiliar bedroom, my sleepy mind still processing that London was my new home. Getting out of bed, I turned on my iPod and a wide toothy smile burst across my cheeks as the unmistakable opening notes of What Makes You Beautiful blared from my docking station. This song always managed to make me smile, it was catchy. Yes, One Direction did happen to be my favourite band and I loved how their melodic voices brought a smile to my face, something that seemed to be happening in increasing frequency since I had begun to settle in my new home. I sauntered into the kitchen smelling the fresh pot of coffee and poured myself a mug. Sitting next to my mother who was reading the daily paper, I started to sip my coffee whilst thinking over the past 2 weeks.

“Morning, Mom” I said.

“Morning, Kayla. How did you sleep?” my mother replied glancing up from her paper briefly.

“Mmmm, alright, I guess. I might head out today” I mentioned.

“Oh, I have to stay late at the office so you’ll have to get your own dinner. I’ve put some money on the counter, just get whatever takeout you can find and don’t get too lost,” she said.

While most American teenagers spent the weeks before their 18th birthday planning a huge party, I spent it packing my life into boxes in preparation for my new life. My mother had been given a job offer she couldn’t refuse, in London. Thankfully her new employers had organised a flat for us to live in as they said it was the least they could do. A week ago we had moved in, thankfully Mom and I both had current passports from our summer vacation.

Walking towards the sink, I rinse my mug and wandered back to my room to see what the twitterverse was up to. I had always followed a lot of people in London, most were Directioners who followed my Tumblr blog. After logging in I read through the first few tweets on my timeline. There seemed to be a recurring theme, “ONE DIRECTION ARE DOING A SIGNING IN LONDON!”. I quickly found the information and Googled the address and it turned out it was the one closest to our flat. I had 3 hours to get ready and be there before the crowds.

After a quick shower, I grabbed my new sequined electric blue long singlet and a black cardigan and paired it with my dark jeans and flats. I hadn’t worn my flats in a while and was glad to find they were still comfortable. I grabbed my keys and threw my iPod, headphones, wallet and mobile into my handbag along with my “American Souvenir Edition: Up All Night” and a Sharpie (just in case). I was wearing very minimal makeup and decided I looked presentable enough. Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I walked out of the complex and headed to my shiny, new model, VW Bug and headed off towards the mall.



The lads and I walked into the crowed shopping complex, in east London. As usual Liam was chatting with Niall about what food the blonde lad wanted for lunch after the signing. I don’t know why they bothered because all the leprechaun could think of eating was Nandos. Niall bounced happily in the direction of the tables dragging a smiling Liam along with him. They stood and waved at the crowd before them. Louis and Harry were being their usual childish selves, cracking jokes and giggling to each other like school girls as they ran through the crowd bounding towards Niall and Liam. I just walked casually towards them playing with one of the many bracelets that adorned m left wrist.

Joining the lads I stood behind the chair closest to our exit. Liam stood to my left with Niall wedged between him and Louis, leaving Harry on the other end. Settling into my chair and removing my jacket, I scanned the faces in the crowd. In the middle of the line was a stunning brunette with long shiny hair pulled into a high pony tail. My eyes trailed over her tan skin and back to her face. Our eyes locked.

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