And before you knew it you were going down another (not so big) hill. Tom was starting to not be so scared.
Tom: Hey y/n when is the big drop?
You: Straight ahead!
You pointed to the ramp that took the log out of the water and onto the power belt taking you up a steep hill.
You: OK everybody in this boat! As we go down do the Spiderman hand thing!
Everyone: OK!
Tom: I'll try.
You guys reached the tipy top and then the log released you! You all tried your best to do the signature spiderman hand thing.
After the log hit the water everyone was soaking wet!
Tom turned to you with his now curly wet hair and kissed you on the lips as the log slowing continued moving in the water.
He stopped kissing you when a flash went off. You turned around to see that one of the fan girls had taken a picture of the two of you kissing!
Tom: You guys can't show anyone that picture.
Rude fan girl 1: Why? Is it because you two ARE dating?
You looked at Tom. He had sadness in his eyes.
You: Why dont you want people to know?
Tom: Because I dont want them to say mean things to you. I knoe people y/n. They will say nasty things.
You: Tom. Its OK. I can handle it. I dont want to have to keep this a secret.
Tom: Are you sure?
You: Yes.
*Tom turned to the girls*
Tom: OK listen. You can't share that until after I get the news out myself. I'm going to tweet a picture of me and her... Haz will you take a picture of me and Y/n after the ride?
Harrison: Only if you give me credit.
Tom: I will.
You smiled at Tom. And before you knew it the ride was finished. You all got out. Tom took a picture with the fans and bid them goodbye and the four of you went to see how your picture turned out from the ride.
Mostly all of you kept the hand gesture pretty well, but Tom didnt even try it seemed like. He was holding on for dear life! And it was so funny! His face was so red!
You: Tom! Did you even try?! *you said joking*
Tom: Yeah! But I felt like I was going to fall out!
You rolled your eyes and grabbed Tom's hand as you all walked to a spot in front of the ride for a nice picture.
Tom: OK Haz heres my phone....
You and Tom decided that in the picture Tom would be holding you like a princess and looking into your eyes smiling. He stares at you with his beautiful eyes. God you love those dark brown eyes.
Then Haz took the picture. And then Tom gave you a long passionate kiss. Before putting you down.
Bella: You guys are so cute! I can't! *she squealed*
Then Tom took his phone back from Has and captioned the pictire "Loving Disneyland with my cutie" then he posted it.
After only seconds you could hear a group of girls a little ways away yell.
Group of fans: Oh my God! Tom just posted a picture! He has a new girl! And it looks like they are over by Splash Mountain!
Tom: Well looks like they know!