This Love Never Dies~ My Own Creation

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~Jaime's POV~ 

I sit next too my best,  and my only, friend's hospital bed hearing the dull beeping sound telling me that his heart is still fighting.  He has been in a coma for 3 week's, 5 day's, 23 hours, and around 45 min. sense he became 100% unresponsive. Every minute feels like a month going by, every hour feels like a year, and the beeping never stops.

I've not slept for 27 hour's straight now... Turning my head too look in the mirror I see a ghost of the old me staring back. I have huge black-ish blue bags under my once stark green eyes, my normally spiky brown hair is matted too my head and then I see something... Zack's hand is moving... I stare for a moment till it click's in my head.

 The blood is pounding in my ear's and I hold tighter too Zack's hand. "Zack? Zack can you hear me? Please open your eyes, please." One of his eye's twitches slightly but dosent open yet. I hold if his hand so tightly I think it would hurt him if he knew. A slight part forms between is pale pink slightly cracked lips. "Jainess?..." Came the slightly slurred speech from Zach.

"Zach! Yes, it's me baby, please please open your eyes baby!" By now I'm in tear's watching him.

My Zach is waking up. He is coming back too me.

One of his eye's opened and I saw the sight I've been waiting for every second for the last 3 week's. His sky blue eye. "Jaime..." I burst into a watery smile and attack him into a hug. "Zack.... I thought you were going too leave me." A new wave of tear's started leaking from my eye's but I refused too blink them away. I was soaking in every bit of Zack's awake face.

"Jaime... I'll never leave you..." I smile knowing he meant it. "Jaime?.. I love you." And right then I sit there shell shocked. My best friend sense third grade love's me. And I love him too. " Jaime... Can you bring me some paper?" I look at him confused but I guess I'd do anything for him right now, or anytime, so I look in the drawer next too the bed, and pull out some paper and a pen. "Have you been sleeping right Jaime?" His voice is soft and tired but I can feel the intense feeling of his gaze in the back of my head. I knew better then too lie too him. 

"No... I've been worried about you too much." He lets out a low soft chuckle, "Jaime you should know I'll be alright soon." His wording worry's me but I brush it off. I hand him the pen and paper and watch his movement's, the scratching of his pen across the paper, the still even, constant beeping. "There... finished." He smiles shakily, his eye's filled with worry but so much love. 

"Jaime... you know I love you don't you?" I know my answer right away. "Yes." and then it happens.

The beeping get's faster indicating something is wrong. His heart beat is spiking and he starts shaking violently. "Zack? What's wrong? Baby, how can I help?" I start panicking, "Nurse! NURSE!?!" His movement's get more frantic but his eye's stay fixed on me.

The door bust open and two nurses and what I'm guessing is a doctor flood into the room. "Zack? Zack baby! Zack!" I Scream as one of the nurses start draging me from the room, and the other one rips the gown off his chest as the Doctor starts charging those paddle thing's that are meant too restart your heart.

"ZACK! ZACK!" I get shoved outside the door screaming and having too watch these strangers try too save the person I love more then anything's life. "Zack! ZACH I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU TOO ZACH!" I start crying as I watch him get shocked over and over for what feel's like year's in slow motion. Then it is quite.

My screams get stuck in my throat, the shocking stops, the beeping is an even sound. Then it hit's me like a slap in the face.

He's dead.

Those are the last word's I think  before I pass out.

"Jaime? Jaime dear, wake up." I hear the nurse I've grown too like here's voice. Her name is Nancy she is in her late 50's and loves working here so she can help people. I adore her. "Jaime come along hun." I open my eye's too see her smiling sadly down at me with something that look's like folded paper in her hand's.

"Oh Nancy, it's only you." I laugh uneasily. "Why am I in a hospital bed?" Her eye's turn cold and detached. "Jaime, your friend, Zach... He passed on hun" And then I lose it. All the memories come flooding back. "NO! HE CAN'T BE! YOU ALL WERE GONNA SAVE HIM! YOU HAD TOO! I LOVE HIM! HE SAID HE WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME! YOU HAVE TOO SAVE HIM!!" I start crying and screaming and she just give's me a weak smile and set's the folded paper at the foot of the bed, walking out, as I continue screaming for my love, Zach. 

Hour's later my throat is dry and I've run out of tear's too cry for my love. I notice the paper is still folded neatly but thrown on the floor beside my bed I sniff and reach down too grab it. I realize it is the paper I got for Zach. Thinking his name make's another dry sob shake my body but I numbly open the letter and start reading the last thing I have that connects me too Zach.

For Jaime.

I'll be there watching from way up high

The shadow you can't see when the sun's in the sky;

Wondering eyes have no disuise;

It's obvious that this love never dies.


I will always love you Jaime.

You may move on, fall in love again,

but please, remember I love you and do not forget me.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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