5/20/12- Avengers, Starbucks, and Religion

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Today, I woke up at like 11. Since my parents had been working all week, Dad promised that we'd go see a movie today. It was pretty cool. We saw the Avengers. I was glad it was that, since I'm kinda sick of love movies. It was kinda like a comedy/action. I thought some of it was pretty damn funny. But Billy almost died because he forgot to take his pills. I wrapped my hands around his neck to calm him down, and Dad almost had to pull me off of him when he tried to strangle me. Just because I've been sick, and I'm weaker than I am when there's a swim season going on, does not mean I couldn't kick his little boy ass. And just because he has aspergers does not mean that I will have mercy.

Yeah, so after the Avengers, we went to Starbucks. Dad got me really hooked on Starbucks mocha. I have like four of those glass bottles that you can buy at the store in the fridge, and I had a  Mocha Cookie Crumble. Ahhh.

And since I woke up so late, my friends were still in church. I don't wanna be preachy, or offensive to anyone's religious views, but who cares? Marissa and Betsy are religious, I get that. But even they don't wanna go to church every week. The last time I went to church, I was like 4. That was almost 11 years ago! Heidi is like me, she doesn't really believe in God, but her mom makes her go to church. Another reason I don't really care is that religion seems to be one of the root problems. People kill over religion. They say that their God/dess told them to blow up innocent people. No. If there was this all powerful, all loving God/dess that people believe in, then why would s/he/they/it want/tell people to blow each other up? Even though I am not a religious person, and I don't have any religious views on any gods and/or goddesses that others have, I respect all religions, no matter how ridiculous their beliefs are. Like I told my friend once, I have no problem with religion, even if I don't follow one myself. I have a problem with extremists.

Anyway, enough about religion and all that stuff. I'm counting down the hours until the  Billboard Music Awards tonight at eight. I'm physched because Linkin Park is performing. And everytime I see the NBA comercial, you know (probably not) with the song BURN IT DOWN on? That. Whenever I see that, I do a little fangirl scream. I love my bands so much. They helped (are helping) me through some tough times. Not to be sappy or cliche, but whenever I hear LP or MCR, I know that no matter how messed up I get, there are people out there that were even worse off, who surmounted their problems to help others with theirs. It makes me feel better.

More randomness. Today in history, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis received a patent for the first blue jeans on May 20th, 1873. The Popcorn Festival is this weekend! It's basically like a town fair. There are three main towns in my area (school district) Maytown, Mount Joy, and Marietta. Yesterday was Marietta Day. A bunch of people from the towns go and just hang. Last weekend was May Day, Maytown's celebration of whatever. Mount Joy always has the Popcorn Festival. It's three days, but instead of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, this year it's Thursday-Saturday. That's because since it's finals week for us high schoolers, and Memorial Day lets us have a four-day school week. It's fine with me. I went two days last year. It's always held at Joyland, a park just up the street from my house. The first time I went last year, I was there for like five minutes because this huge storm rolled in, and there was a tornado warning. Needless to say, I ran home. The second time, I hung out with my friends from the other towns. There are different elementary schools in each town, but we all go to the same middle and high school. There are 930 students in my entire high school. Everyone knows everyone around here.

Right now I'm lying in my bed writing this, listening to Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. If you don't know it, check it out. Good music. I had Rexx, my pet rat, out yesterday, and just wandered 'round the house with him on my shoulders. Now I look like I was attacked. That boy has seriously sharp nails! 

I don't want to go to school. There are 5 1/2 days left. Four days of finals this week, Friday and Monday off, then we go to school Tuesday and half on Wednsday just for the hell of it, I guess. Then the swim season starts. I'm excited, but also kinda sad. Last year, almost every day for 10 months straight, I went to swim practice with one of my best friends, Fallon. She moved recently for personal issues, and now she's on an opposing team. As much as I know she loves swimming, I feel that without the relentless motivation that I had to provide for her to keep her going last year, she won't last long, especially with two different teams in two years. She's my age, and she just got into swimming last year. She's not going to shatter world records with the time she has left, but she's okay, for a beginner at her age.

Computer's dying. I've basically rambled on as much as I could today. Let's see if I'm in the mood to  write after finals tomorrow. Talk to ya later.


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