Neon Skyline

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(A/N : Sorry, couldn't resist to put a Screenshot of Spawny here, he's just too cute! Also the battle is in the area of the first Boss battle (Pirabbid Plant) )

Faraway shots drew closer as Mario sprints over to the stone cover on the other side of the arena. It's kinda a trainings match against some friendly rabbids, who dressed up as some of the enemies the team faced. There's no way he'd get the enemy in his sight in this round, or in the next one, he's too far, even for his brother Luigi.

And if he can't reach it, it looks quite bad for a perfect round. He sights. How can his team be able to destroy another, similar thread, when they can't even defeat the enemies in a trainings match?

At the same time, somewhere else in Midi City...

Heat, Crow and Miku are sitting on the edge of the practice stage and discuss about the next live.

"I mean, c'mon the song lineup is perfect! It really keeps a balance between the groups..."

"... And puts you into the spotlight.", the turquoise twintailed singer points out while the brunette brit singer tries to show her team the ideas for the set list of the next live.

With a yawn, the red and black haired hedgehog myuumon stretches his arms.

"Isn't it the same with the annual Magical Mirai concerts, but you're in the lime light Miku?", he counters the popular Vocaloid singer.

"Guys, please don't argue!", Heat crosses in, right as the famous diva tries to contradicts the visual kei vocalist.

Miku froze right before she wanted to complain, but she kinda regrets what she wants to say and looks shortly away, as she spots a light blue portal opening to her side.

"Guys...", she alarmed the two, but it's too late. The vocalist trio got sucked into the portal.

What they don't know is that this is just the beginning of a new adventure for the team.

Mushroom Kingdom...

A blue portal opens in the air and catapults the trio right over a battlefield, in which it seems like there's some kinda test routine going.

"Aw, c'mon!", Heat yells, clearly unpleased on how abrupt the scenery has changed and the three are now flying towards the ground. The Vocaloid screams in angst as she saw that they're falling fast towards the battle.

"We're gonna die!", she yells in a high yell, but the brunette girl just keeps her calm.

"We're not gonna die!", she yells back to her.

"Heat, whatever your plan is, do it now", Crow yells at the girl.

Heat just rolls her eyes at her two friends, especially Crow, who had stuck in a same situation with her before and would know how it ends. The bracelets on her right wrist started to glow as she reached for a spot before her, yelling her most  recognized (and only used) command for the bracelets : "Star Shield!"

Suddenly, a broad orange glooming recreation of Heat's logo, a orange out cut star, appears beyond the three and the trio lands saftly on it... Or rather only Heat, because Crow just faceplants onto the shield and Miku lands rather uncomfortable on her bottom.

"Well, that was easy.", Heat sights as they glide towards the ground softly, but it doesn't hold for too long, as they picked up speed again and felt to the ground.

"Well, shit...", Crow says as the orange star formed shield falls towards ground. The three yell loudly as the ground came closer.

"Heat, do you can steer this shield? I really don't want to..."

"Miku, if there's one thing which I'm not able, then it's definetly not being able to steer this Star Shield, even if it's litteraly just appears because of my bracelets which are linked to me.", Heat sarcastically interrupts the twintail sporting singer while trying to get the star shaped illusion on a safe course for them to land.

Miku stares at the girl for a period of time, then just replying with a confused : "What?", which leads to Crow facepalming and groaning in argony.

"This start is just awesome...", he grumbles to himself.

Meanwhile with Mario....

A high yell suddenly disrupts the short silence during the team's positioning, and he looks up. Exiting from a blue void like portal is a brunette girl sporting a orange top, blue shorts and blue metallic boots, right before a girl with long turquoise twintails (who's also the cause of the squeaky noise), wearing a grey top with a turquoise tie, black skirt, leggings and gigantic bell like arm covers, almost everything has some sort of panels on them and a black haired guy with red bangs, a red top with a loose black tie, a black jacket with white stripes outlining the zipper and two across each side of the front, a frizzy fake fur collar and dark red belts (probably decor), skinny black jeans, again with the same belts like on the jacket and black boots.

The three seem to talk to each other just a fairly

"We're gonna die!", followed by a

"We aren't gonna die", who was persumably the brunette girl to the turquoise haired one, was audible and shortly after that, a orange flash kinda came out of the brunette's hand/wrist and a gigantic outlined orange star appears out of nowhere after a kinda more hearable

"Star Shield!" yell from the girl, where the trio lands on.

For a short time it looked very good, but the shield took speed up and steers right over to the rabbid on the other side, while the three seemingly argue.

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