Chapter 15 : Sakura Returns to Suna

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(Gaara's POV)

Not wasting anytime I charged to Sasuke. I would kill him and then find his brother and kill him as well. No one was going to get away with hurting Sakura. Sasuke launched himself at me not wasting anytime. I knew that he meant business. He activated his Chidori and charged at me. Thankfully my shielded protected me and allowed me to deliver a blow to the stomach. 

"You are not taking Sakura from this house. I will die before I let you leave with her." Sasuke ground out.

"That can easily be arranged, So if I were you Uchiha, I would chose my words carefully. Let Sakura go, I love her and she belongs to me. End of story." I growled.

"You think that you can just waltz in here and act like you love her. I know her better than anyone does and I know that she could never love someone like you." Sasuke laughed. He may  be right, but that didn't stop me from loving her.

I launched my sand at Sasuke in an attempt to perform the sand burial, only for him to dodge my attacks. Sasuke came at me again with his chidori and I dodged it but barely. I tried attacking Sasuke with my sand again but he only dodged it, he has definitely gotten faster since I last fought him. I looked over to see the others had headed inside to rescue the other women and possibly find Sakura, but they also knew that I wanted to be the one that rescued her. I pushed my sand out and toward Sasuke in the hopes that it would hit it's mark, his heart. It missed again.

"Do you honestly think that if you save her she will thank you. She loves my brother." Sasuke said.

"I thought that it was you that she loved?" I asked. 

"That may be the case, but unfortunately my brother has made it clear that she is not to be touched by anyone but him. I would say they are making a baby right now or maybe they are already finished." He tautened, while trying to attack only for me to dodge.

"If your brother has touched her I will kill him." I all but growled the anger flaring inside me. 

"Is someone getting a little mad?" Sasuke asked. 

"Shut your mouth. Sakura would never let Itachi touch her such a manner." I said.

 "Oh, but Sakura isn't going to have a choice in the matter." Sasuke said.

"What do you mean by that?" I ground out.

"I mean that Itachi always gets what he wants, even if it is by force." Sasuke said with a smirk and realization hit me.

"He better not touch her." I said.

I launched my sand at the unsuspecting Sasuke and wrapped him my sand coffin. I slowly crushed him and listened to his screams for mercy, but I had no mercy for the Uchiha brothers. They had taken something that I cared for deeply and had hurt hurt. My head shot up at the sound of my beloveds screams and I rushed to her aid. I just hope that I wouldn't be too late. 

(Sakura's POV)

I screamed as Itachi came in the room and tried to force himself on me. I kicked him hard in the jewels and tried to run from him. He grabbed my hair and yanked me back toward the bed and hit the floor with a bang. I looked up to see he was beyond angry, and was probably going to kill me now. I tried to grab the kunai that had fallen from his pouch only for him to grab it and stabbed it into my thigh making me scream out in pain. He moved the Kunai in circles inside my leg making me scream in pain more.

"Please stop." I begged.

"Are you going to be a good girl, and do as you are told to do?" Itachi asked. 

"I will never do what you tell me to." I yelled.

"Do I need to remind you that I control everything going on and I will kill your parents and since Gaara felt the need to play hero I will kill him to." Itachi said and my heart stopped at the sound of Gaara's name.

"Please don't kill him. I will do what you ask." I said tears forming in my eyes.

"Now that is a good girl." Itachi said.

I let out a loud sob as he pulled the kunai out and used it to remove my clothes leaving me in only my underwear. I tried to cover myself but he grabbed my hand and pinned them above my head and drove the Kunai through them and into the bed. I let out a loud scream and for that he slapped me.

"You will silence yourself and behave like a woman should." Itachi said.

"Please I am begging you, you are hurting me." I said. 

He grabbed the Kunai and dug it into the skin of my cheek and and dragged it down my body and done the same with both arms. He licked the blood on my cheek and smiled wickedly. He started to dig the kunai in again when sand wrapped around him and crushed him completely. He screamed briefly in pain but then it was over. 

"Oh Sakura, I am so sorry. I didn't get here soon enough." Gaara said and leaned down next to me.

"I'm alright. I am glad that you finally got here, I have missed you." I said.

"I have missed you to." Gaara said.

Gaara leaned down and kissed me passionately and I pressed my bare body against his wanting more. Gaara pulled and pulled off his kage robe and put it on me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me out the door and pulled from the kiss. I leaned against him happy that we're finally together. He walked outside and there stood the others waiting on us. I passed out after that. 

(Gaara's POV)

"What are we going to do with all of these women the Uchiha brothers brought here?" I asked still holding Sakura.

"I think that it would be best to take them back to Konoha and let Tsunade decide what to do." Kakashi said.

"I think that would probably be best." I replied.

"I really need to get Sakura back to Suna she is bleeding pretty bad." I said, and then disappeared.

I arrived back to Suna with a bloody Sakura in my hands and my staff freaked out on me. The immediately took her from me and I tried to follow but I was stopped by one of the medic nins and I was forced to watch Sakura roll away without me. 

"I will let you when you can see here, I promise." The medic said.

I nodded my head and took a seat in one of the chairs and waited. I knew that it would be a while because Itachi did a number on her and he paid with his life. I would bring him back and kill him over and over again if I could. I waited for what seemed like years before the medic finally came back.

"You can see her now. She is room 24." She said, and I didn't waste no time in running to the room to find my beloved.

"Sakura." I said as I entered the room to see her staring blankly at the wall.

"Sakura, are you alright?" I asked when she didn't respond.

"I was going to let him have me, to spare your life. You must think that I am horrible." She said, and this made my blood boil.

"I could never think that. You were protecting me and I love you and always will." I said.

"But he seen me before you did." She cried.

"But he never had you, that is something for you and me. He may have seen you naked, but he will never be able to touch you the way that I do." I said.

"I love you Gaara." She said and was blushing a crimson red.  

I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips and caressed her beautiful head in my hands. 

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