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I woke up in jail thinking why I am naked With this naked guy so I called the police to get him out he was fat and I call him fat fat he look at me and and yelled at me I said yeah brother what do you what from me he said you I said date katyperry or Fergie and I .

Yelled to the police to help me now because this guy what's my iPhone the police run to come I just saw that redback spider I killed in the shower it's was so big the police killed it they the police put in the number in and let me out and I kiss the police I run home naked with this big fat .

Guy but he's house got rod lastweek and he said he had a big red back spider when he where's having a shower he scream then the cops came he went down stairs to open the door to talk to the cops naked he said that he was a big red back spider like me and I run.

Home because he shut the road down I will tell you why because he was in jail for three days so he shut down the road to he gets out and we dated for 2years but we break up because he has a girlfriend it's so sad 😭it's so sad you no I got a dog at the petshop wait I find it on the farm looking at me so I pick it up (I hate dogs) and put it in the car so

I had a box that the guy give me it so I put the dog in the box take it home my dad came home and said miley why are you naked umm??? 😥🙊💬I got a dog for you dad but........ No buts like you say to me when I cut my hair dad go home you ##### miley I AM OUT OF THIS HOUSE BYE. 🙈😭why why wait that's cool I am going to poo in the backyard it so good oh yes

Hmm people are so mean to me??? Dad let me get my dog why,,, because I said so miley yeah don't go away to far what bye what can I call my dog hmm poo yeah poo

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