Here - Jaebum (fluff)

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Okay. It's really hard to write fluff for JB because holy f you barely can.

It was a chilly autumn day and Jaebum decided to ask to me hang out with him and the group at the zoo.

Jaebum pulled up in one of JYP's vans with everyone inside. Jackson stepped out of the front seat and offered it to me so I could sit next to my boyfriend. "Y/N where's your jacket? Aren't you cold?" He asked worriedly. "I'm fine. I'll be fine. Thank you, Jackson." I said and bowed towards him.

"Y/N, where have you been? Jaebum won't ever stop talking about you. We thought he would die if he didn't see you soon again."

"Shut up, Yugyeom. I don't talk about you." He said towards me.

"Hyung, you always say stuff like 'Y/N is so pretty, I miss her' and 'Look at this picture Y/N posted' and-"

"BamBam, say another word and your hyung will hurt your pretty face." He said insidiously and smiled back at me. They stopped embarrassing their hyung in front of me.

"We're going to see the tigers right hyung? I want to see the tigers hyung."

"I don't care. I'm not your mom. Do whatever you want, but be back to the van at 5:45. I am leaving at 5:50 whether you're in it or not. Got it?"

"Yeesssss." Everyone groaned.

We had soon arrived to the zoo and everyone jumped out. "Y/N, let's go see the tigers." Jackson said pulling my arm like a child. I looked to Jaebum and he nodded, so I wandered with Jackson to the tiger exhibit.

"Wow. Grrrr." He growled at the big cats. "I never realized how much of a child you really are." I said teasingly.

"You're mean, Y/N. My feelings. They've been hurt." he said as he grabbed his heart and shook his head. "Oh, hush."

"You're lucky you're cute. I won't be mad for long." he huffed and turned his body away from me. "Oh, however shall I deal with being ignored by my precious Jackson?" I said sarcastically.

"You're also lucky that you're Jaebum's or I would definitely be all over you." he shoved me, but grabbed my arm and brought me towards him again.

"Aish, Jackson. Let her go. Y/N wants to go see the penguins with me, now." Bambam said as he pulled on my other arm.

"No, she wants to see the polar bears with me." Mark said as he pouted and crossed his arms in front of me.

"Aish, you guys! You're hurting me." I said. "Look, I'll hang out with everyone of you. You need to learn to take turns. My little brother is better at sharing than you guys are." I stabbed at their egos.

"First, I'll go to see the penguins with BamBam. Then, I'll go with Mark to see the polar bears. Jackson, you already had your turn. Go find Jinyoung or Youngjae and bug them."

I eventually hung out with every member individually except for my actual boyfriend. It was getting colder and it was starting to the point where I couldn't bare it any longer.

"Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Where's your jacket? You're red." Jaebum asked.

"I forgot it at home and I didn't want to make you turn around-" I was cut off by him wrapping his thick cardigan around me with himself in it as well.

"I would've turned around, Y/N." he whispered in my ear.

"Hey! JB no fair. I wanna cuddle with her, too!" BamBam yelled. "She's mine guys. Step off or I'll make you." he said harshly as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"Woah. It was a joke."

"Tch. Go to the van, now." JB pulled off his cardigan and placed over my shoulders. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the vehicle.

"You're really the jealous type, huh?" I asked.

"I don't like sharing what's mine. You're mine Y/N. I love you." he said softly as he opened the door for me to get in.

He started it up and turned on the heater. "Don't get sick. This will warm you up soon." he held my hand and kissed my forehead. Everyone was soon back to the van and JB drove us home.

"Put on some warmer clothes, okay? You'll freeze to death if you keep wearing that."

"Yes, sir. And thank you guys for hanging out with me. I'll see you again soon, I promise. Bye, guys."

"Bye Y/N!" The boys yelled. "See you later!"

Can I just appreciate Jaebum until my heart decides to explode? God I love him

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