The Locket

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Still shaking and pale, Harry and Hermione stood at the edge of the underground lake as the water sloshing around their ankles receded and the ripples on the surface of the dark water gradually stilled, the afterimage of their new Patronuses burned into their retinas.

"What... What happened Hermione?" Harry muttered in disbelief when he finally found his voice. "Why did our Patronuses change? ...both of them?"

"I... I don't know Harry!" Hermione shook her head, too stunned to make heads or tails of the situation. As she racked her brains vainly, she caught a glimpse of two standing figures on the island, silhouetted against the green glow. "Harry...?"

"Yeah! I see them," said Harry. "It's Dora and Dumbledore, headed back to the boat. Dumbledore looks sort of alright now - more like he's drunk."

Both fidgeting impatiently, Harry and Hermione waited for the little boat to slide gradually across the glassy surface of the lake.

Finally it was near enough for Hermione to make out Dora's flabbergasted features and Dumbledore's giddy grin. The headmaster didn't look at all like he had been dying just a few short minutes ago, but Harry was right, Dumbledore didn't look quite all there; his gaze was unfocused and distant.

"Here, gimme a hand," Dora gasped when the boat finally reached the shore.

Harry quickly took one of Dumbledore's arms and helped Dora heave the headmaster onto the rocky edge of the lake. Dumbledore staggered, chuckling when he nearly slipped on a slimy patch of algae.

"Blimey! That was somethin' else!" said Dora, eyeing the headmaster warily. "What the hell was that then?" she asked Harry and Hermione. "I've never seen Patronuses do anything like that before."

"Dunno!" Harry replied, shrugging in bewilderment. "I reckoned they might help against the Inferi a bit, but neither of us expected that! ... Anyway, what's up with Professor Dumbledore?"

"Is he alright?" Hermione asked, looking very concerned as Dumbledore continued chortling, his eyes still glazed. "We thought he was dying..."

"I thought 'e was too for a moment there," said Dora, shaking her head in amazement. "Now he just looks completely pissed... Anyone'd think 'e inhaled a bottle of firewhiskey instead o' whatever that poison was.

"I think your Patronuses had something to do with it. ... They both charged him down while the Inferi were lighting up like fireworks. The next thing I knew, he was on his feet laughing his arse off! ..."

"Our Patronuses charged Professor Dumbledore? Why would they do that?" Harry glanced at Hermione whose brows were knitted in consternation, but she still had no answers.

"Yeah, it's bloody weird alright!" said Dora. "Anyway lets get the hell out of here... I'm sick of this place! We'll sort him out when we get somewhere a bit safer."

Even with the three of them, it was still a bit of a struggle to haul Dumbledore out of the cavern and back the way they had come, but they managed it with a bit of magical assistance. Finally, they were back at the top of the cliff, dripping wet, and collapsed on the grassy green bluff, grateful for the cloudless sky. It was hard to maintain a sense of horror at their nightmarish encounter with reanimated corpses under the bright light of day.

After a short while, Dumbledore's eyes cleared and he rubbed his forehead, seeming to return to his senses.

"That was quite eventful indeed!" he remarked wryly. "I can only say that I am exceedingly grateful for your company. I doubt I would have survived this encounter had I continued to believe it was best to proceed with hunting down Riddle's horcruxes alone. I suspect I could have contended with the Inferi had I been of clear mind, but the potion rendered any such actions on my part impossible..."

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