The Last Of Earl

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here it is everyone I hope you enjoy it.  Sorry it has been so long since I updated I have had a really bad year personal life wise.

Two weeks later Paul and Elizabeth are driving from Dayton airport to Celina.  They are there to have people pack up her stuff and drive it back to California.  Their first stop is the Trucker's Cafe so Elizabeth can get her final check and say goodbye to her friends.  Once inside though the smell of food makes her sick, and she makes a mad dash for the ladies room.

"What's gotten into Elizabeth?  She turned green the moment she walked into the place."  Asks Charles

Before Paul can answer in walks Earl with his friends.  Diane walks over to seat them.  Elizabeth walks out of the bathroom and back over to the counter.

"So Elizabeth are you coming down with something from being in the hospital?  I've never seen you look so green from the smell of my food before."  Asks Charles

"No Charles I'm not sick with anything.  I am seven weeks pregnant."

"What!" Exclaims Mary "Did you just say your pregnant?"

"Yes I did"

"Oh My God honey that is so exciting. Congrats. Is that why you put in your two weeks notice?  You know I will give you time off when the baby comes."

"Actually Mary I'm moving to California where Paul lives and works. We are raising our baby together."

"Oh of course.  I'm sorry Paul I forgot you live and work out there.  Congrats also to you.  We sure are going to miss you around here.  Please make sure she comes for visits Paul.  Diane come and say conggrats to Paul and Elizabeth." 

"Why are they getting hitched?"

"No even better their having a baby."

That causes Earl and his friends to come to a dead silence.  Earl stands up and walks over to them.

"So you went and got yourself pregnant with pretty boys baby huh?  I never figured you for the sleep with a guy before you were married kind of girl.  Just so you know if pretty boy decides he no longer wants your chunky ass and your bastard of a baby look me up I might change my mind and take your skanky ass back."

That was it the last straw Paul has had with Earl.

"Dude I don't know who you think you are talking to my girl like that, but I'm finished with it.  I let it slide several times with you calling her names, but I'll be damned if you are going to call her skank."  With that Paul makes a fist and punches Earl square in the nose sending him to the floor.

Earl's friends stand up looking to attack Paul, but Mary intervenes.

"If you so much as touch a hair on this young mans head I will call the police and tell them you jumped Paul first.  So I suggest you pick up Earl take him to the ER and don't ever step foot in this cafe again.  Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am."  They all say as they lift Earl up and walk out.

"well now that the trash has been taken out how about I make you two something to eat while we clean up and close?"  Asks Mary

"That sounds great Mary.  Beth wasn't able to eat on the plane she was too sick to her stomach."

"i'm still not feeling all that great.  I just want some chicken noodle soup and crackers with water please Mary."

"What about you Paul?"

"Biscuits, gravy and bacon please."

"Coming right up.  Why don't you take Elizabeth and sit down.  She is looking pretty tired."  Paul and Elizabeth sit down at the nearest booth.

"Beth are you okay?"

I'm really tired Paul.  Can we just eat, go back to the apartment and go to bed?  And worry about making plans for packing tomorrow please?"

"Sure I'm tired myself."

Back at Elizabeth's apartment thye shower make a few phone calls and crawl into her bed for the last time.

"I can't believe this is my last few nights in this bed , in this room and in this apartment.  But most of all I can't believe I'm with you.  The guy who hung on my wall all through my 20's.  I still pinch myself everyday thinking that it's all a dream and that I will finally wake up one day and still be single and not be having your baby.  Or I'll wake up one morning and you'll have decided I'm not the girl you want, and you'll find someone else."

"Well Beth I can assure you that this is very much real, and we are having a baby.  Plus I don't want anyone by my side except you.  I am compelety and utterly in love with you.  Now stop stressing it's not good for you or our baby."  He says putting his arm around her and spooning her with his hand on her belly.  "Now let's get some sleep it's going to be a long two weeks."

"I love you Paul."

"I love you too Beth."

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