year book signing

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today was the last day of school. you hade 20 min left and your grade was outside doing yearbook signing. you went to all of your friends and some of your friends went to you.

you were walking around looking for more people when you bump into someone.

"OMG! i'm so sorry!" you say. you look up to see (y/n) standing right in front of you with a smirk on his face. gosh he is a lot cuter from here.

"no it's fine it was my fault." he answers

you both just stare at each other for a couple seconds until he asks

"can i sign your year book?"

"o-oh ya sure. here ya go"


you hand him yours and he hands you his. he give you back your yearbook and you give back his after you sign it.

"thanks! see ya!" he says

"your welcome! see ya!" you answer

you look down at his signature and below it it has his number and after it reads call me.
you smile and are ready for a great summer.

hey guys! hoped you like it! sry it was short. (like it was any shorter than the others 😜😂) still running slow on ideas! requests open! thanks. bye


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