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(c/f/n)- crushes friends name

you were going to a christmas party at (c/f/n)s house.
you and (b/f/n) were going to the party together.

"hey. i'm pretty sure (c/n) will be there! i mean it is his friends house." (b/f/n) says nudging you

"ya. i know. it's kinda obvious" you say smiling

you were wearing an "ugly" christmas sweater ( if you guys are familiar with those😏 lol) and you were wearing high-waisted black ripped jeans. (b/f/n) was wearing something similar.
as you guys get to the party you walk into the smell of christmas cookies and the sound of fun christmas music. the house was beautifully decorated in christmas decorations. there wear lights everywhere. in the corner were treats and hot chocolate and cider.
you guys start to dance around until a slow christmas song comes on. you and (b/f/n) goofily slow dance with each other until someone taps your shoulder. you turn to see (c/n) with and "ugly" christmas sweater too.

"may I" he says holding out his hand for you to take
you look at (b/f/n) and she nods while smirking. soon her crush asks her to dance too.
you and (c/n) dance the whole song until it's over. he then takes you somewhere.

"where are you taking me" you say

"you'll see"

he then stops

"look up"

you look up to see a mistletoe. right when you look at him his lips are smashed into yours. you guys kiss for a couple seconds until you feel someone tap you. you both let go and you turn to see (b/f/n).

"now it's my turn" she says pushing both of you away
then her and her crush are kissing. you and (c/n) laugh and kiss again

a/n: hope you guys enjoyed!! this is a christmas addition so i'm hoping your having a merry christmas! so excited for it tomorrow!!! after, comment below the most favorite present you got!

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