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" What are you doing here Elijah!?" I asked hoisting Davey up because he was sliding down my hip. " what am I doing here? Well I am here to get you back Marilyn, a I am here to apologize because I realize that it was wrong to do that" Elijah said walking up to me but as soon as he was close he realized that I was holding Davey and then he backed away. " Marilyn want to tell me who your friend is?!" He said in an angry confused voice, " I sure will, his name is Davey and he is my little man that will be with me for a while" I said smiling at Davey while he ate his chicken fingers and got the sauce all over his face. " Davey go with Luca for a minute I will be right back he is really nice, " I said as I sat him Down then walked over to Elijah. I got to him but as soon as I did he grabbed my arm tightly then yelled out "what the fuck!!?" My eyes started to turn a golden color and I ripped my arms away. " What do you mean? and never grab me like that again Elijah" I said taking a step away from him, " Why do you have this so called Davey? is he yours?" Elijah asked with a look of anger and jealousy in his eyes. I grabbed Elijah's arm softly and brung him further from prying ears, " I found Davey walking around outside in the crowd and he had told me that his mother dropped him off 15 minutes ago saying that she would be right back and I know that she isn't coming back" I said looking down then back up at Davey. Elijah now had a look of anger and sadness in his eyes " What type of parent does that!? I will take him in myself" he said starting to walk toward Davey who was currently riding on Luca's back while laughing like nothing was wrong.

I stopped Elijah by grabbing his arm and yanking it back. " Elijah you can't take him in because I already did, he will be living with me here and being apart of my pack" I said looking Elijah in the face. " no he will be living with us in our pack" Elijah said walking towards me to the point that there was no more space  between us. I shook my head " No not right now, I need time to know my own pack and they need time to know me before they even try to know anyone else" I said pushing Elijah back and walking back to my Beta and Delta. Sadness ran across Elijah's eyes and I felt that if I kept looking at him the I would break and started feeling guilty. " Okay Davey! you are coming with me back to my place!" I said picking him up off of a very tired Luca and putting him on my back. " ohhkayy" he said wrapping his tiny little arms around my neck, " Guys make sure that everyone gets to bed safe please and that everyone goes home safe and sound" I said smiling a little. " Okay Marilyn" 

I then left out the doors and I got into the car that we drove here in and I started driving home with Davey sleeping In the back seat. " I'll take care of you, don't worry"'

I got home without any worries and I went to my room and I got out the smallest shirt that I had and put Davey in it, I need to remind myself that I have to go shopping for him soon. After changing him I put him on the bed and covered him up with my covers, I put on some pj's then I went downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the door and I screamed but quickly shut up because of Davey " Elijah! what are you doing here!? and why are you all wet!" I whispered yelled. " I came here to tell you how sorry I truly am because I can't stand for you to be even a minute away from me because I am scared of what would happen to you if I wasn't by your side" He said looking at me with love, anger, and sadness in his eyes. I went over to Elijah and I grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom, I could feel the sparks shooting throughout my hand making me smile. My wolf hasn't spoken to me in a while but now she is telling me how I should forgive him because he does have good intentions and that we need him in our life. I got a towel for him and I went to my room and got some shorts and a black V-neck for him, " here, change I'll wait  for you out there" I said walking out and shutting the door. 

He came out and I took his wet clothes " follow me" I said and then I walked to a guest room and I put the clothes into a hamper that I have in all the rooms just incase. " you will be sleeping here tonight" I said moving more into the room so he can see, " Marilyn please! can you forgive me I'm really sorry and I didn't mean it to be that harsh, I love you and I'm trying here" he said getting on his knees and latterly begging. ' you are being way to hard on him he obviously didn't mean it' my wolf said to me getting annoyed. It's true and I know it " I forgive you Elijah and I know you are trying and you didn't mean to and I'm sorry that I was holding such a big grudge against you" I said grabbing his face and sinking to the ground and kissing him letting all my emotions run wild, I really did miss him even if it was only 2 days. " I missed you Mar" 

" I missed you Eli"

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