#1- Transformers X Reader

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Slamming your hands on the hood, you clenched the metal, feeling it crumble around your fingers like paper. You felt your body tense, muscles tightening and teeth clenching as the energy surged. It courses though you, starting in the back of your mind, traveling down from your spinal chord to you shoulder blades, then melting down your arms and finally resting in your hands. The power moved fearlessly under you skin, restless and begging begging you to free it.

So you did.

You felt the tingling stop and the car quake as the energy jumped through it, identifying it as machine and quickly taking a second to analyze it. To see which parts could be turned into a weapon,

And which parts could be turned into a body.

Two seconds later the car started to fall apart, the individual pieces falling onto the concrete and rolled towards you as if they were moths attracted to a flame. Wire cables unhooked and wrapped themselves around you waiting to attach and connect the repurposed metal, creating joints and circulating precious energon.
As the metal curled around you, you closed your eyes and focused, forming a picture in your mind. What form you wanted to take on, the form you had tediously perfected over the years. Your true self. A warrior.

Soon you lost sight of your surroundings when the car completely dissassembled and encompassed you. To an outside point of view, you must have looked like a type of amalgamation, a shifting ball of wire and metal flipping and folding over each other. Metal  attaching and a structure finally taking on a humanoid form.
When you opened your optics, your vision was what you expected it to be. Enhanced, sharp, and focused. You stared down at the servo that pushed you up from the road, you optics reflected upon the metal, they shown the usual forest green. Something that never changed no matter what type of vehicle you used. 
    The energy that had been surging through you and the metal had settled into the cables. You sighed as a great flood of relief ran though you, the energy had finally turned to energon. The lifeblood flowed through you and hardened the metals that made up you. This was a chemical reaction you learned early on that happened everytime you transformed. The energon caused the metal to turn into what you knew was cybertronium, a hard and useful substance that made up all Cybertronians. It made a good shell for protection, and a useful weapon for battle.

Rolling your shoulders, you raised yourself from the kneeling position you found easy to transform in, and stood up to your full height.

You looked to your right, again acknowledging your company.
You (begrudgingly) were still required to look up, your chin only coming up to his shoulder.
However, you regarded him with a confidence you felt you were born with.

"Okay," You told Optimus."I'm ready."

Optimus x Reader if you look at it with a microscope and wish really hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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