Chapter 4: Where "IT" Lives

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As morning dawned on you, you layed wide awake in bed. Small slits of light protruded through the blinds, making you feel more comfortable. It was a very rough night, and before you could close your eyes, the alarm you had set so you could get up early for work started to go off. You groaned annoyingly, and pressed the clock to make it stop. There was no way you were going to work today.

You flip the pillow onto your face, and groaned once more. Finally making the choice of getting up, you grab your phone and called your boss. You tried to make up the best excuse about why not attending work today. When he picked up the phone, you tried to sound as sick as possible, made a few coughs and told him it could be contagious if you came to work. He allowed it and let you have your free day.

You sigh in relief, and tried to relax a bit. But now it was time to find Pennywise... While you drank your coffee, you deeply thought of where he could be hiding. Maybe in the same gutter where you found him? No, possibly at the carnival that was a few miles away?

You wrote down a list and took it with you to the car. You started the engine and drove a bit looking around the scenery. A few drops of rain began to fall again, but you didn't mind. You loved the rain, it felt nice and refreshing. You smile at the drops rolling down your window as if it was a person.

You continued to drive until you came across the same gutter where you met pennywise. You felt embarrassed calling out to him, because you didn't want people to think you're delirious. But you ignored that thought and looked in the gutter.

"Pennywise! Are you there?" You shout. No one responded. You tried again. "Pennywise?" Still no luck. All that could be heard was the water trickling inside the drain. You went back into your car, driving again, trying to see if a place gave you any strange feeling. You resumed down the road, looking again, but no luck was found.

Soon you passed by an old house that looked, like it had been burnt. It's wood was broken and had cracks in it and a tall twisted tree lingered by it. You suddenly have this wave of joy and strangeness. You immediately stopped the car and parked it, getting out. No one seemed to be around so you sneaked your way through the yard and knocked on the door twice. No answer.

You turned the knob slowly finding it was open and you stare into a pitch black abyss.

(time skip, cuz I wanna get you guys to the good part! ;) )

Soon you come across a pair of black stairs that swiveled to the bottom floor. A sudden chill runs down your spine as you descend them. There was an enormous amount of dirt everywhere, the cobwebs were worse. You sneeze a few times from the dust. And you turn your head to see a hole in the ground.

It must be for the sewer tunnels... You thought as you poked your head over it. A blast of cold air hit you and you stumbled back. You took a deep breath and peered back into the hole feeling more acustomed to the coldness.

"Well, there's only one way to find out if he's down there or not." You mutter. Your hand reached in your back pocket and grabbed your phone that lay there. You turned on your flash and shone it into the sewage pipe illuminating everything. You hopped into it and started to walk. The walls looked disgusting and not very well kept.

Green streaks consumed the concrete and a nasty stench of feces filled your nostrils.

"I swear, if Pennywise lives down here, he is gross." You cringed. After about an hour and a half, you came to an intersection of pipes, not knowing which way to take.

You talked to yourself for many minutes trying to make your brain make a choice, until the same familiar voice croaked from behind a crate.

"What are you doing here." Pennywise whispered threatingly.

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