Chapter 8: Finding Y/N

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(Pennywise POV)

"N-no, she's gone..." I muttered silently. The house was silent, too silent. The only thing I was able to hear was the creaks of the floor, and my soft cries. I collapsed on my stomach, and rolled over onto my back looking at the ceiling. I stared at it continuously for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do.

"Y/n..." I said softly. Suddenly a pang went through my chest, and I felt angry. Angry than I had ever been. My eyes turn back to the threatening gold it ever was. I bolt up from the floor and stomp my way to the front door. I open it harshly and slam it shut behind me. I was going to find whoever took my sunshine... All I've felt in my life was darkness and hell. She was the only person that brought light to my life. I wanted revenge... I was going to find her if it was the last thing I did...

(Your POV)

You suddenly wake up, in an uncomfortable fetal position. Your hands and legs were tied, allowing you to not move. It was dark, and you had no idea where you were. The dark place shaked a bit, so you assumed you were in a car. Then you remembered about Pennywise.

"Pennywise! Penny help me!!" You screamed. Your throat felt raspy causing you to cough between words. You heard a slat open above you letting a flow of light enter. A man's voice echoed through the back of the car.

"Who's Pennywise? Huh? Is it your imaginary boyfriend?" He teased. "No one knows your gone baby, your ours." He laughed.

"How could you not see him? He was lying right next to me! He'll find you! You made a big mistake boys!" You yelled. Through a short silence, you swear you heard someone else whisper, "She's crazy isn't she?" This got you angry.

"Hey sugar, I didn't see no one lying next you. You're crazy! You need a doctor lady." He said disrespectfully. "And next time you open that pretty mouth of yours, I'll kill you! Got that?" He threatened.

"Okay..." You whispered. You layed there in many silent minutes, thinking why they couldn't see Pennywise. You swore he was with you! If he wasn't then, maybe he needed to find food... Or maybe he didn't like you, and ran away to trick you... A tear slowly slid down your cheek, as you stare into the pitch black of the van. Suddenly the back doors of the van make a loud noise, as if someone was trying to break in. The man in the front driving, freaks out.

"What the hell was that?" He yelled. The pounding continues, but you see dents being made in the doors. The men argue whether they should stop, or try and outrun the enemy. The driver continues to drive, and starts to swerve really bad. Then the doors give in, and they open revealing Pennywise, clinging onto the van for dear life. Your eyes widen in excitement and you start to laugh a bit.

"Penny!" You yelled. The men bring the car to a complete stop, and hop out of the car coming to the back to investigate what happened. Before Pennywise could react he gets caught.

"Hey, you! What do you think your doing? Get out of there!" The man yelled. Pennywise turned around, to face two guys, carrying big guns. They point their guns at him. "Get out or we'll shoot!" They snarled.

"Never..." Pennywise growled. One of the boys pull the trigger of their gun, and the bullet grazes Pennywise's arm badly. He stumbles back in surprise, clutching his arm looking at blood, running from it.

"We told you!" The man laughed. "Now get out!" Pennywise looked from his arm, to the boys standing infront of him, and his brow scrunched up in anger. He looked back at his arm, and put his fingers in the hole, where the bullet was. He pulled it out, making no noise whatsoever. The men stare back in horror. Pennywise examined the bullet, then dropped it on the ground.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, idiots." He smiled evily. Suddenly, as if it was a horror movie, his body started to change. The bones in his body shifted unevenly, making him look weird. Claws began to elongate from his white gloves, and his back grew bigger. A low growl comes comes from his mouth, as he grew hair and a long snout. A new set of sharp teeth protruded through his gums, and his costume ripped, because of all the fur he was growing. The men continued to stare in horror, one of them loosing their balance, and falling to the floor. Soon Pennywise was done with his transformation, and he stared at the men in hunger.

"Changed your mind yet?" He said grinning. The men just continue to stare at him, which makes him impatient. Pennywise looses it, causing him to slam his fist into the side of the van, making a big dent. "I asked you a question!" He roared. The men shake uncontrollably, and one of them raises his finger, pointing it at Penny.

"W-who are you?" He said gulping loudly. Pennywise takes a step closer to them, making the boys jump back. He puts a hand on one of the guy's neck, then places the left hand on the other's. He lifts both of them, high in the air. They struggle, and start to choke.

"I am your worst fear." He whispered. And with that he broke both their necks, at the same time. He drops the lifeless bodies on the street, and turns around to face you. He slowly shifts back into his normal self, making you feel more comfortable. He runs over to you, and kneels starting to untie the ropes that were pressuring your hands, and legs.

"Wow, these knots are well tied." He muttered. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He said worringly, staring into your eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. They just said mean things, is all." You said, as you felt the rope being snapped in half. You rub your hands freely, and sigh in relief. "Don't forget my legs too." You smiled. He snapped those in half as well, letting your feet move around. You got up from you fetal position, and jump on Pennywise, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad you came for me!" You said happily. Pennywise broke the hug, and stared at you akwardly.

"Why would I not?" He asks.

"The guys said they didn't see you, sleeping by me." You said. He shook his head, and gave a small chuckle.

"No, I was there. I just made myself look invisible to them, or to people that I don't want seeing me." He said.

"Then why didn't they freak out when they saw you, just barely?" You asked, confused.

"I made myself look like any other guy in this town." He smiled. He lifted you up, and carried you out of the van.

"Let's go home." He said.

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