The Truth Always Comes Out

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Satomi has been riddled with guilt ever since that conversation she had with her friends at lunch time. They were so nice and supportive, when she was nothing but a liar. While the comments made by the bullies regarding her weight, made her feel insecure at that time, it didn't hurt nearly as much as she made it seem to the managers. She just didn't want them to figure out what was going on and she didn't feel like opening up about it. Hopefully, if they ever found out, they don't get too mad at her for lying, especially not Miyuki, now that would be scary.

For the last couple of days Satomi had seriously contemplated coming clean with Miyuki. She was plagued with guilt since the beginning of the year; each passing day became harder to deal with. It made her feel bad because while Miyuki was making an effort, she had been doing nothing but keeping secrets from him. However, confessing her lies wasn't an easy task and she knew Miyuki would be angry. First, she didn't want to burden him with her problems. Miyuki was already swamped with responsibility, with being captain, catcher and clean-up, without a doubt he was tired and stressed. The very fact that Miyuki started opening up to her a bit more indicated that he was under a lot of pressure.

To add to his worries, the fall tournament was about to start, which had not only increased the pressure on him, but the entire team as well. They all had the goal of winning the tournament so their coach wouldn't leave, needless to say that was an extremely difficult task to accomplish, considering their first opponent would be Teito. Her problems in comparison seemed...petty.

Secondly, with Miyuki being so busy, how could she even considering burdening him? She'd like to think that her problems were just as important than his, but she couldn't bring herself to express how difficult this was for her. The distance in their relationship made it hard to even be recognized as one. What little time they did find for each other, always got interrupted be either the first-year duo, begging for his attention, or Miyuki's soft snores, sleeping from exhaustion. To make matters worse, they barely even managed the time to call and text each other anymore, Satomi honestly felt she was being pushed to the back burner.

Despite all this, Satomi knew she couldn't complain, that it wasn't fair to complain. Miyuki always sincerely apologized to her, along with the fact that she knew this was the consequences of being Miyuki's girlfriend from the start. She just couldn't help it. She just knew she needed to come clean, sooner rather than later.


'Tonight was strange.' Miyuki thought, the pit of his stomach felt oddly unsettled due to the conversation he just had with Nabe. He was a bit unsure of how to feel about it. Miyuki was glad Nabe had came to him in class, he had originally wanted to ask him to gather data on the upcoming match between Inashiro and Ugumori. However, his original topic of conversation was put to the side sensing that Nabe's topic may have been a bit more important. To say the least, Miyuki had wished they had been thinking alike. Miyuki could recall his heart clenching when Nabe's words slipped from his lips, there was no way that he could have been prepared for Nabe to basically implying he wanted to quit the team.

Personally, Nabe wanting to quit didn't really bother Miyuki in the slightest. It was more of a shame than anything else, he couldn't deny that it would be a big loss for the team. Nabe had great observational skills, that could be put to good use. At the same time, Miyuki didn't want to pressure anyone into staying if they were not happy. He believed that in the end, it was their decision to make not his, he had no right to try and influence their decisions.

If that conversation would have taken place some other time, then Miyuki, most likely, wouldn't be feeling like this; after all he hadn't been the captain a couple of months ago. It was not his problem to deal with other people' emotions. He was not there to hold anyone's hand, but now everything was different. A whole lot different. He was the captain and sometimes he wasn't sure of what that entailed. Did he have to start holding the hands of his other teammates? Had he handled the situation correctly? Personally, he thought he did a decent job. It was not as if he was mean to Nabe or anything like that. Yes, he handled it just fine, perhaps not like Tetsu-san would, but just fine enough.

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