Chapter 3

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Luckily, no one got hurt.

Unluckily, we got kicked out of the cafeteria and had to hang out at my locker.

Last year we all shared one locker together because we always hang out together. Also, Cassidy and Violet kept forgetting their combination and we always had to search for it. It was just easier to share one locker.

"You all have first period gym right?"

Violet asked us as we left our books in my locker.

We all nodded and went to the locker room to get changed. We all hate changing in the same room, but we have to deal with it. We are not what people would called 'cute' and 'pretty.' Lots of guys don't even like hanging out with us. It doesn't matter though. We have each other.

After we awkwardly changed with other girls in the changing room, we just quickly headed towards the gym.

"I really hope we get to play football!"

Violet said.

"Football is horrible! Somehow my nose gets broken by the end of it!"

Cassidy cried.

"That's because you suck at catching ball."

Val commented with a snicker.

Cassidy glared at her and pouted.

"Don't worry Cassidy. I will make sure your nose doesn't get hit."

I joked while my girls laughed.

"But I don't think they would do that to us today. I'm pretty sure we will do something easy."

Val said.

We just joked around some more before the teacher came.

The teacher was my worst nightmare. He made us run laps all the way until we had to go change! I am able to do sports but ALL THOSE LAPS HURT! My legs are sore and my hips hurt. Everyone is definitely in better shape then me. I probably need a hospital check up after this while everyone is surviving.

Actually, I saw a classmate get sent to the nurse's office. Better remember his face so I can ask if he will be better tomorrow.

"Geez Em. You really need to exercise more."

Violet commented.

I glared at her for stating the obvious but just quietly went to the locker with her to change for next period.

"Ugh, I have history next."

Cassidy complained as she put on her shirt.

"Try having math next period."

Val argued.

"Try having math with Val."

Violet groaned which earned her a death glare from Val that she just had to return back.

I laughed at their playful dislike for each other. They always do this but in the end they are close friends.

The bell decided to ring, ending first period.

Time to face English class.

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