Part 5

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"everything fine shona....why did you message me to come fast"sanskar said worriedly.
"I LOVE YOU"swara said hugging him tightly.
sanskar gets surprised.he breaks hug and looks at her with wide eyes.
"are you serious..."sanskar asked,not able to believe.swara nodded vigorously.sanskar picks her up from ground and twirls her around.
"love you too..."sanskar shouted while twirling her around.
swara laughed heartily.they were in empty park,as it was noon and sun was on his peak.
sanskar make her stand on ground after sometime.
"you are unpredictable girl"sanskar said, pulling her nose.
"thank you"swara said giggling.
"what about your kahdoos father?"sanskar asked.
"don't worry about him...."swara said and sit on banch.sanskar also sit beside her and put hand around her shoulder.
"don't you think this proposal is very dry..."sanskar said pulling her close.
"means???"swara asked confusingly looking at him.
sanskar slid her hair behind her ear and kiss her softly.swara's eyes goes wild open.
but soon she responded back kissing him with full love.

"papa i lost my debit card.....i am not able to find it"swara said worriedly, sitting in front of shekhar.
"don't will get new one...."shekhar said chuckling,seeing her worried face.
"plz deactivate the old one"swara said poutingly.
shekhar nodded.swatra smiles,picks up newspaper and start reading it.
"you bad time starts now..."swara thoughts in her mind.


"sorry ma'am your card is not working"salesman said returning card to shona.
"what...have you lost your mind?...check it again"shona said angrily.
salesman again checks it but it was not working.
"sorry ma'am...."salesman said and gives her card.
shona muttered some cursing and gives him cash.
"how it can be possible..."shona thoughts in mind.she shrugged and went out.shona sits inside her car and drives toward hotel.
she was walking toward elevator when manager stopped her.
"excuse me ma'am..."manager stopped her.shona removed her glasses and gives him nasty look.Talking with manger or servants were not her way.
"yes?..."shona said arrogantly.
"you didn't pay for the electricity and food bills of this month...will you plz...."manager said but shona cut him by raising hand.
"how dare you show this third class behavior to me? you know who am i?...God blo*dy third class people"shona said in disgust.
manager gets angry but controls it.
"sorry for disturbing you...plz pay the bills no one will disturb you again"manager said still in respectful voice.
"who is going to stay in this third class hotel......send the bill in my room"shona said and walks out from there.
"rich spoiled brats..."manager muttered under his breath.

shona packed her bags in anger and comes out from room.she gives the receptionist her other card while holding her bag.
"sorry ma'am its not working?...."he said giving her card.shona muttered some curses and gives him another card but same happened.she gave him all her cards but all were not working.
shona calls to her accountant and almost yell at him.
"why the hell my cards are not working?"shona yelled at phone.people in the hotel,turned their heads and looked at her.
"who is this speaking?"accountant asked confusingly.
"i am shona bose..."shona said angrily.
"oh ma'am.....your father told us that you lost your cards therefore we deactivated them"accountant said.
"that blo*dy b*t*h..."shona cursed swara badly.
"activate my cards right now...i found them"shona ordered him.
"sorry ma'am....its not possible will take few days"he said and cut the call.
"hello...wait...what the..."shona looked at the disconnected call.
(guys i don't know how much time its takes to activate the cards its just story need)
shona holds her head.she looks at the bill in her hand then at her bag.
she opens her bag and takes out cash.she pays the bill and looks at remaining money.
ONLY 5000.
"hello kerti yaar...i need your help"shona said after her friend.
"yes babe tell..."kerti said rolling her eyes.
"can i stay at your home for few days?"shona asked
"actually yaar i am sorry....i am staying with my boyfriend and he will not like this"kerti said and in fake sad voice.
shona cut the call without replaying.
"kerti...who is on phone?" her boyfriend asked sitting beside her on couch.
"shona...was asking can she stay here?"kerti said making face.
"then...what you said?...if she want she can stay herei don't mind"he said
"obviously not...are you mad"kerti said,snatching remote from his hand.
shona goes out,put bag in trunk and sit inside the car.

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