An unexpected suprise

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Hey everyone, don't forget to comment and tell me what you think of this chapter.

Enjoy 😜

Applejack's POV

I woke up to the sound of my girlfriend snoring, my arm still wrapped around the slender girls waist, I decided to lie down a little longer.
Taking in her beauty and company, I continue to snuggle up and watch her calmly sleep.

"Why can't she be this calm when she is awake"
I ask myself quietly.

I close my eyes trying to sleep a little longer but I can't seem to.
Instead I rest my head on Rainbow Dash's shoulder and wait.
For what exactly? I don't know.

I give a sigh of boredom so I quietly and carefully play with Rainbows hair, trying not to wake her.
It was actually kind of fun, but I guess doing anything at the moment that would occupy me would be considered fun by this point.

I soon heard her giggle and roll over towards me.
I don't think she was awake but she had an unconscious smile on her face, it was small but it was still there.

I kissed her forehead and decided to make some breakfast for when she wakes up.

"What would Rainbow want to eat"
I ask myself

"Something sugary, something that will make her tastebuds tingle"

"Ah know"
I said out loud.

I texted pinkie and asked if she can lend me her pancake recipe.

Surprisingly I got an almost instant reply.

Pinkie pie- sure thing, are you baking them for Dashie?

Applejack- yeah, how did you know that?

Pinkie pie- pinkie sense silly 😋

Applejack- I will never get you pinkie 😂

Pinkie pie- yeah, I get that a lot 😄

Pinkie pie- oh also, I knew because these pancakes have a lot of sugar, and dashie loves sugar. When she isn't timid and shy, she is really hyper 😜

Applejack- yeah she's a handful alright😄 anyways thank you for those recipes, I owe ya

I turn on some quiet music and start making chocolate pancakes.

I grabbed the ingredients and a mixing bowl and got to work.

I got the ingredients and looked at the recipe.

"Wow, that is a lot of sugar"
I say out loud.

"2 and a half cups of icing sugar but a quarter extra cup of water"

I shrug it off as it is pinkies recipe after all.
I dance to all you got by Tegan and Sarah while stirring the bowl of pancake mix, I drop the bag of chocolate chips while pouring it in the bowl.

I gasped quietly.
I cleaned up the mess hoping rainbow didn't wake up, if she hasn't yet the smell of these pancakes will.

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