Chapter 3.

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Lucy and Simon flew over the rooftops, landing lightly every time they leapt from one to the next. Simon knew where he was going, so she followed behind, directly on his heels. They caught a glimpse of the streetrunners' green cloaks every now and then, but it was just a flash, then it was gone as they moved so silently and fast that they were hard to see properly. They were almost to the house when Lucy tripped on an outcropping on a roof and fell flat, Simon stopping and helping her up before he realized his mistake. He whirled and cursed, blocking a blow to his neck at the last second. Lucy stood, readying her whip with a cautious glance around. Two more were there, plus the one that attacked Simon. Evan was one. The other was Seili, the blonde girl from before. Lucy's eyes widened as she looked at the girl.

"Seili? Why are you here? I didn't think this would concern you..."

"Do you have a problem, Lucy?" Evan's voice cut her off suddenly. "We did say it was you two against all of us, didn't we? Well that's exactly what we meant. You two against all of us." Lucy paled.

"How many of you are there?"

"About fifteen, if you don't count Malcolm."

She regained her breath. "Oh, okay." That shouldn't be much of a problem, she thought. I was thinking there'd be around one hundred with the size of that hideout.

"Sy, move."

They took off at a breakneck speed once again, and before long, with the runners at their tails, they reached Simon's apartment building. He dropped in through a window, and Lucy lashed her whip out at the oncoming spies as he rushed to get his weapon. He emerged from the lower floor a moment later with a quiver strapped to his back and an arrow drawn and directed at some unseen target. Lucy's thoughts were quiet, and she could hear her heart beat in her chest as she crouched down, ready to pounce.

She watched Simon take a hit to the back of the neck and looked at him bewilderedly. He fell to the ground, landing with a harsh thump, his bow skidding away, as Lucy's eyes widened. "Sy?" She asked, keeping her position.

"One down," a voice hissed in her ear. "One down and one to go."

Lucy tensed immediately and looked about herself, then felt one of them coming, though she didn't know how she did. She leapt off the ground in an instant, landing lightly on the roof. Simon looked like he had been knocked out, and she knew that he wouldn't have been taken out so easily in a million years. I'm trusting you, Sy. She knew he was up to something. Lucy ran across the skyline, bounding from one building to the next, sensing the presences moving too quickly behind her, almost like ninjas in the night.

Simon stood up slowly as they went off, an evil grin forming on his face. He knew she would fall for it. Lucy didn't need to be here to see him fight. He threw his bow to the ground and grinned at the people around him, noting how they looked like shadows. All of the spies had gone, those damn streetrunners. Lucy was with them now, so their game would end soon. She would win, of course. They had underestimated her from the beginning, he could tell.

Simon's entire demeanor changed, his face darkening as he gazed at the imposing shadows. Lucy had never seen him in battle before... Not really. All those times on missions with her were phony. She had no idea, and he knew if Lucy ever saw his power, she would be afraid, so he'd never showed her, and never would.

Simon grinned suddenly, feeling the clutch of power at the base of his stomach. He looked like a wolf as his green eyes gradually changed to black and he winked at the approaching beings. He knew who they were, and why "they" had come, but he had no interest in lengthening the fight despite how he had no idea who'd win.

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