Chapter 19.

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Lucy opened her eyes to find herself leaning up against a quite uncomfortable rock, in a place she didn't recognize. She sat up, rubbing her head, and glanced down at her chest, remembering the wound she had received. Her dress was clean. It was also a different dress. She was wearing something white, a button up dress tied with a light blue sash around the middle. It had a collar, and Lucy noticed, glancing at the odd clothing, that the cut across her collarbone was gone, replaced by a thin, white scar, that stood out pale against her skin. Her fingers trailed along it as a strand of white hair blew softly into her face, a slight breeze having caught it in its clutch. Lucy pushed the hair away from her face as she examined her surroundings once again.

The rock she was leaning up against was on the top of a small hill, in the middle of fields of brightly colored flowers that she couldn't name. Lucy stood softly, feeling somehow at peace in this environment, despite the feeling of unease she had had originally. She noticed that her feet were bare, the flowers soft against her skin as she stepped down from the hill slowly, walking around and enjoying the aromas that flooded over her for the first time in forever. A birch forest lined the fields, open and bright in the warm sunlight. Lucy felt warm and content, closing her eyes for a moment to breathe in the cool air.

A voice disturbed her comfort for a moment. "Dammit," the voice cursed.

Lucy froze, not turning around as her eyes widened. "How did you end up here? Don't tell me... Lucy..." Lucy whirled and ran straight at the voice, tears streaming out behind her as she rammed into a body. He wrapped his arms around her and frowned softly as she looked up at him.

Lucy's vision was clouded by tears, but she still knew who it was who had greeted her. She knew his smell, his voice... Nemos...

"How... how is this possible?" She demanded, her eyes clouded with doubt. "You died... I watched you die. I buried your body. This can't be real." Her voice trailed off, and she moved to put her head over his heart. There was no sound.

Lucy pushed herself out of his embrace and looked at him hopefully. There would be an explanation. There had to be one. He sighed and gazed down at her. "Listen to me, Lucy. I died. I know I did and so do you, so that's one thing we definitely agree on. I..." he paused, taking a step toward her, his green eyes swimming with sadness. "I'm still there though, in that forest. I will always be there. Anyone who dies in the mist is consumed by it. They won't ever move on." He stopped as he choked out the last words.

"That's why I don't have a heartbeat." Lucy stood there, looking at him in her confusion.

"I don't understand."

"Think of it this way. No matter how long I stay here, I'm only a reflection of the me that you know. I am just memories bound together into an empty shell. My heart is in the mist." Lucy's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about? You're right here, Nem. You're standing in front of me." She coughed. "I can see you right here..."

Nemos smiled at her and shook his head. "I'm not." He held up his hand and as she did it looked textured, almost as if it wasn't quite... she realized in an instant that it was see through. His skin was slightly transparent, showing the forest behind it and a person walking toward them. "Right on time," Nemos said, turning his head to see them. "Take care of her for me," he said with a laugh.

The figure revealed itself to be Simon, who nodded and frowned.

Lucy shook her head, unwilling to accept the reality of the situation. It couldn't be real... he was right there. Lucy ran up to him and grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers through his. "Nem, you're going to stay here, right here with me... it's going to be wonderful, just you wait." She grasped desperately through the air for the hand that was now mostly gone, and she felt a hand grasp her shoulder as she didn't dare pull her eyes away from his smiling face.

Nemos bent down and whispered something in her ear, his breath warm on her skin as tears began to fall down her face. Lucy wrapped her arms around him and he brought her into a kiss, one long and sorrowful. She took a breath and opened her eyes.

He was gone.


Kath opened her eyes to find herself in a bed with clean white sheets, a pain in her stomach that had not been there the day before. Memories came rushing back to her: the battle, Aryn's death... The group finding her after it was all over. She pushed herself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain that came with the movement. A hand pushed her back down, and Kath glanced over to see Seili sitting there, a smile on her face littered with sadness.

"What happened?" Kath asked.

Seili shifted uncomfortably. "We won, but at a cost. All of them who went into that room were dead when we got there... You were the only one to survive."

Kath felt an enormous weight on her chest. "So what's happening now?"

"We were all just hoping you'd wake up, honestly. Malicem tried to organize everyone after the chaos, but they all left. You and I are the only ones who are still here. Even Malicem himself left after giving up on the runners. We're all safe now, so you can do whatever you want. They buried Lucy, Aryn, and Evan earlier... You just missed the funerals. I'm so sorry, Kath."

Seili swallowed, apparently trying to keep her emotions together. Kath put a hand on her forehead, rolling over to avoid looking at her friend.

"I want to go see them. The graves."

Seili nodded and helped her stand, placing Kath's arm around her neck for balance. They made their way slowly down the streets. It was night.

"How long was I out?" Kath asked.

"About two days."

Seili remained silent after that for a while, and Kath asked, "Where were we, anyway?"

"My apartment."

Kath pouted at the answer, hoping Seili would talk more. She didn't, though, and the duo walked in silence until they came upon the barn.

Kath didn't ask questions as she was led around the back of the barn, into the yard where Lucy and Simon had originally been "trained." She glanced around before spotting them: three gravestones lined up next to each other. The names of her friends were written on them. Kath suddenly felt a sob escape her and she let go of Seili's support as she stumbled toward them. She stopped crying some time after that, and a raindrop dripped onto her nose. Kath looked up as it began to rain and realized something then and there.

They saved us all. We can do anything now... I can go anywhere. I bet they're all together now, too... Happy. She smiled up at the sky as the rain poured down and stood softly. The pain in her stomach had dulled to a soft throbbing as she stumbled back out of the courtyard, past Seili. She turned back to her for a moment and said, "Do you think I could go to Halem? I hear the cookies are fantastic."

Seili's eyes widened in surprise as Kath laughed and left, her black hair dripping in the rain. She looked back only once, her last thought toward them being, Wait for me...

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