Chapter 12.

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A scream rang out from within the tower room. Jax Fullbring stood wearily, opening the door. Was it that time again already? He rolled his eyes, thinking of the fool that had put him as guard here, when his exceptional skills could obviously been used elsewhere than this, finding a certain scum that was getting very much on his nerves... The door swung open to reveal a room in which... They weren't there. Jax searched desperately for a few moments before his eye caught sight of it: The window was open. He ran to it and traced his fingers around it, trying to spot the escapees. Of course, they could have jumped... He heard a curious sound behind him that sounded curiously like the door being bolted. Then, he banged his head against the wall, knowing that whoever put him here was a fool for doing so.

Lucy had set it up perfectly. Jax had walked into the trap and peered out the window just as she had hoped, and had taken the bait of the door as well. Then, he went and laid down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, exactly as planned. Nemos had carried her out, and bolted the door for good measure. Where he was now? Climbing around the tower wall carefully despite Lucy's warnings not to do so. He was going to get the Jade Leaf no matter what. There was no way in Astaria he would let her die. First of all, he didn't want her to die ever, and second, Simon would come back and haunt him from the underworld. Once the window was in reach, Nemos swung himself so that he was perched on the sill, teetering between falling onto the bed and onto the hard ground. He imagined the sound he'd make if he fell to the ground and gulped.

Nemos glanced into the room cautiously and immediately spotted Jax. He was laying on the bed, hands behind his head. His eyes were closed. Nemos reached out and gently pulled his jacket wings out to see the pockets in the inside. He did not dare breathe he spotted the vial and snatched it, then climbed back around as fast as possible, swinging in to where he had left Lucy, who was now glaring at him.

Lucy spotted the vial in his hands and breathed a sigh of relief. She whispered, ¨I have no idea as to why you would risk yourself for that little vial. It isn't a big deal if I die—actually probably a good thing for you guys, seeing as you would not be hunted if not for me.¨

Nemos furrowed his brow and knelt down to look her straight in the eyes. ¨Lucy August, you are not the reason for all of our problems. You are the cure. Don't ever think that again!¨ He unstoppered the vial and raised it to her lips, and gave her a gulp of the vile liquid inside. Lucy felt so powerful for a moment, and feeling returned to her muscles. She felt out her hands and stretched out her legs, pushing herself into a standing position. Nemos stood as well, and she smiled at him.

¨You daft boy,¨ she said, laughing slightly. ¨Let's hurry.¨ She turned to the stairs, then back to the window. ¨This may be the better option...¨

Nemos nodded in agreement and followed her out the window. The duo slid down the wall, landing lightly on the pathway lining the building, then they hurtled over the edge of that as well, continuing to the grass and taking off with a running start into the forest. Lucy glanced at Nemos and smiled again. The idiot. Why would he want to risk his life for her? She wasn't worth it. They ran for a while in silence, thoughts flowing into and out of Lucy's head nonstop about everything—about what had been said in that room, about why they were after Malicem, about Miki being alive, and the leader of the Organization, about Nem... A light snow began to fall, and Lucy realized they should have realized they were gone by now and that the Jade Leaf wasn't wearing off like it should have been.

Did it wear off after longer and longer times as the victim was given more doses? Nothing made sense. Nemos shot her a glance, apparently thinking the same thing. A little more time passed, and by the time the sun had completely disappeared behind the horizon, nothing had happened. Finally, a shooting pain went through Lucy's head, and she stumbled and fell to her knees. Nemos stopped and took the bottle from his pocket immediately. He knelt down beside her fallen form and gave her another dose of the liquid. Lucy stopped quivering and blinked. She was laying on her back and Nemos was kneeling over her, his concerned expression pulling at her heart.

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