The softer side of the Dark Prince.

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Sighing Goku swayed back and forth lightly in the hammock he was resting in for the moment his stomach wasn't rebelling against him and he was actually keeping his meal down.

It probably also helped that chichi wasn't here, she was off at her lover's house getting was she needed to be happy, her and goku split years ago and only sorta lived together. It was the best decision either of them had made about their relationship.

Goku was brought out of his musings when he felt his lover's Ki approaching but bitter as it was he didn't remember him... it was part of the bonding though, Vegeta had been acting weird sense he lost two weeks of his life, goku could feel he was frightened that he had done something horrible, he's been doing his best to send love and comfort subtly though the one sided bond, it didn't seem to be helping.

Goku closed his eyes and just let himself feel the Ki get closer and closer it was familiar and welcoming he has had his home to himself for about 5 weeks now and it was great but he missed his cubs and fighting Good heavens, Goddess Torra, he missed it but he knew his cub was more important than the need to fight.

Feeling vegeta land Goku smiled "Hello Vegeta" feeling the other's energy rumble a bit in surprise, apparently he didn't expect to see him out here.

Vegeta started at Kakarot's voice, he didn't understand why he was here other then he felt he needed to be which was odd, Kakarot doesn't need him at all..

"You willing to spar?" hearing Goku giggle it made Vegeta feel weird and slightly embarrassed

" I wish I could My Prince but I will be unable to spar or battal for at least 3 months depending" the loving tone on my prince wasn't lost to vegeta though it did take him aback a bit and slightly shocked him, it was concerning to hear those world out of his mouth.

Goku's grin widened at the play of emotions on vegeta's face it was rare and beautiful.

Seeing that he wasn't going to get any closer without an invitation, goku had decision to make give away his pregnancy or disappear for a bit.. Looking back to his lover he could feel emotion shifting and changing but he couldn't tell you what emotions they were only they were not negative in any way.

"Will you come here? I can explain why if you get closer to me" Goku closed his eyes he didn't want to see rejection " so why can't you spar?" jumping and the rough velvet voice, opening his eyes Goku took vegeta's right hand in his and slowly as to not startle the prince he removed the glove from his hand.

Vegeta Stared and was quite confused as to why Karrro was taking his glove off his hand but he let it happen he loved when Kakarot touched him outside of battle, he watched with a twisted fascination as the one below him raised up his shirt off his abdomen which was surprisingly not as defined as it was a few weeks ago.

Jumping when his hand made contact with warm flesh just above the low hanging loose Gi pants, that were thankfully not Orange for once, he was confused until he felt a Ki react to his touch.

Feeling fur wrap around his wrist he was shocked at the submissive and possessive movement of the others tail.

"She likes you... she finally stopped trying to beat her way out" in the terms human pregnancy Goku's cub was about 25 weeks along in size and weight even though he wasn't showing other any signs other than less defined musical.

Goku just laid there smiling letting the Prince lay his hand on his Cub, he knew his prince had a soft spot for Cubs even though he would never admit it. Goku remembered when Vegeta found out Goku was pregnant with Pan when he returned from the other worlds.. He never told him that she was a rape cub, but somehow he knew and gave support where it was needed with her sense no one knew how to deal with goku's emotional outbursts when she came out looking like her sire more than him.

One memory sticks with him more than others goku's milk wasn't coming in because he couldn't sleep after the cub was born because of Goten being so little and Chichi was with her lover, Vegeta came over took the cub from a Sobbing Goku at the time stroked the cubs tail sniffed her and placed her on his chest looking at him with such kindness he couldn't understand why he was doing it with a gentle voice he told him to sleep and that he had all the cubs for now that he was safe to rest.

Vegeta's voice pulled him from his thoughts.

" is she like Pan?" concern in the deep rich voice always made him feel something akin to excitement like before a battle.

"No, she wasn't planned but she wasn't conceived by force, though I do know her Sire wanted her with me greatly, he said as much multiple times. It was sweet really."

Vegeta still had his eyes closed he was trying to hide his emotions he was hurt more then he wanted to admit to his Friend, yes he considered Kakarot his friend. it had taken over ten years to get there but better late than never right? Had taken a Mate? Maybe... and is bearing him a cub, the pain in his chest was horrid, he didn't want to feel it anymore but he would feel it forever if it means he gets to be near his karrro and the cubs.

Even though none of Kakarot's cubs are his he has taken care of them like he was there sire and kaka has cared for his own cub like he carried them.. When bulma didn't want to breastfeed the children she had Kakarot did it so that they wouldn't starve because the humans powdered milks they made for infants did not have the right makeup, even though the cubs drank it they were starving and would die.. Vegeta remembers showing up at kakarot's and being so shattered by the thought of his little cub dying .

Vegeta didn't even remember how he got to Kakarot's little home but he did, when the door opened the cub was taken from him and he wa sat on the couch with a little gohan


Geta' it's been awhile sense i've fed a cub it may take a few for it to state to flow... are you okay?

Vegeta could see the worry in the younger saiyan's face and hear it in his voice.

"No... she was going to let him starve because she couldn't be away from the lab long enough to feed him.. She didn't even tell me she had him... and he hasn't eaten anything really any of the human things she had the nanny give him he didn't digest right... Kakarot.. I can't lose him"

The shakiness of his own voice made it sound foreign even to himself he didn't know when but apparently he started to cry, gohan was so little and innocent at the time crawled into his lap and started to purr.

It's okay Mr. Vegeta... My Dama will help! My Dama is the best! You'll see!"


Pulling himself out of his own mind he felt the little Ki flutter under his hand.

"So Dama'da , who is the lucky man this time? Same father as the boys?" vegeta tried to ask a neutrally as possible.

Goku felt the pain his Prince was hiding behind his indifferent mask. Goku placed his hand on top of the one on his belly and thought as best as he could taking a deep breath hoping this would go better then he felt it would..

"no , they do not share a sire, I actually bonded to this one.. I hope he remembers soon. I am tired of being alone..."

"And why hasn't he remembered? Is he not around ?"

"I think it's his own stubbornness that keeps him from remembering... hes prideful and hides his emotions well.. Also that's the way the bonding works the alpha always forgets to give the beta time to run if the bond was forced on them.. Though I was hoping it wouldn't happen cause I willingly submitted to him..."

Watching the emotions filter over the younger's face made vegeta's stomach turn, he looked lost, broken, and so very very young at the moment...

"Hmm, I am sorry he is not here for you.. That must be...hurtful."

"It's okay Geta.. I at least have the memories right? It's better than nothing.. Though it was a sad day when I woke up 3 weeks ago ....I at least have this cub with him if he never remembers..." his voice came out as a little whisper at the end he felt the tears start to fall..

He wanted his Prince so badly to come back to him he ached.

Feeling a warm body next to his Goku instinctively curled into it only to be shocked by whose scent it was

Vegeta didn't know what came over him he was completely overwhelmed with himself he didn't why he needed to make him better he just had too no

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