Chapter 2:The Same Sun

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The Suns rise beginning the day for me. I get out of my bed, get dressed and prepare to start my day. Stepping out my shack of a house I head down the dirt path that leads to my father's farm. He's let me stay in my own "house" for a couple weeks now nothing bad he just said it'd make me feel and act more autonomous. For a 15 year old boy I was pretty lanky despite the farm work I've done, I have long black hair and my skin was naturally white as snow everyone named me pasty and from the others I was different. So this made me a prime target for the villages other boys.

 As I walk down the path I notice a stone fly past me and I know what's coming I break into a full sprint and hurry along the path as several more fly past me while some hit me in the head shoulders and upper back. Eventually one hit me in the foot big enough to make me stumble and face plant into the dirt. "HAHAHA WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT PASTY DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO WALK HOW PATHETIC" I feel a kick in my gut and almost immediately after one on my spine. One of the boys Todd I think his name was rolled me over and had Derek pin me down while he repeatedly beat my face blow after blow I just lay there and take it my lip is busted and my nose is bleeding he hits me once more in the eye and I pretend to be knocked out. They get up spit on my face and walk away.

 Once I'm certain they're gone I get up and limp down the path. My Father sees me down the path and runs out to me. Hes almost entirely opposite of me muscular short hair and a long beard hes wearing overalls with a flannel pattern shirt kicking up dirt as he runs. "Jesse my boy wot de hell 'appened to ya?!" "It was Todd and Derek again" "THAT'S IT! I HAVE HAD IT WIT DEM BOYS 'MERE FOLLOW ME" My father roared. We walk down a path behind the farm that I had never really noticed before it was cobbled and pretty nice I wonder why its here. We get to what looks to be a stone altar of sorts with a gold object protruding from the side of it. "ere dis'll take care o em hooligans!" He grabs the golden object and rips it out of the stone cutting straight through it in the process, the hilt was a bright gold and it had no cross guard the blade was a bright white difficult to look at but almost impossible to look away. "Dis ere is Vita Aeterna ma pride n joy from da wartimes n I wan ye to av it" "I don't understand Dad why are you giving me this? I don't need a sword for a group of bullies" "oh nonsense! Is ere is a symbol o honor an if ye hav it nobody an I mean nobody'll mes wit ya" he slides his thumb over a button on the hilt and a scabbard wraps itself around the luminescent blade then he hands it to me "It used to belong to your mother you know" he said completely losing his farmer voice that he had gotten accustomed to using "Besides it will help you along your journeys in life and she would want you to have it" I take the sword and strap on my back. 

 Over the next several months I trained with Vita I hadn't learned much about the swords abilities but I've learned a lot about myself I began training with a young girl in the village Katelyn everyone calls her Kate though. Our practices were intense on lookers swore we were fighting to the death but we were great friends. I walked to our practice field and drew my sword knowing that she may already be here waiting to get the jump on me I hit my CRS node so I wouldn't be severely injured I scan the field I see nothing just then I hear rapid footsteps behind me I take Vita and spin around quickly just in time to block Kates attack I push her away with the blade and charge the sun shines brilliantly off of Vitas blade I leap up and go for an overhead attack swinging down as hard as I could she dodged and that's when I discovered one of sols abilities. Vitas blade sunk into the dirt and several rays of light erupted from the ground in front of me breaking the soil and rock underneath around 30 feet in front of me creating a small cavern in my wake. Vitas blade was glowing much brighter now I used this to my advantage and went for another overhead she blocked this time and her sword shattered causing us both to fall down next to each other.

 "Are you okay?" I ask out of breath "yeah I'm good I think" We get up and spend the rest of our day together we were resting in the field as the sun was setting, she turned over to me looking me in the eyes and said "You know no matter where we are on this planet this sunset will always be the same one we look at so well always be with eachother" She smiled at me and rolled back over watching the sunset. I went back to my shack and crawled into bed as I drift off to sleep I reflect on my day I didn't want anything to change now no more village bullies no more loneliness and most off all I'm just genuinely happy for once in my life.

 Just as I fall asleep I'm awakened by a deafening sound I get up unsure of what I'm hearing I open my door and see the village. 

What I was hearing was the screaming of innocent villager's children and adults alike.

 I look up to see bright glowing eyes staring down at me. 

The village was in flames.

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