First Fight

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You were getting tired of Itachi's lack of attention. You really love to have his attention but apparently it's too much for you to have but he has no problem giving everyone else the attention. You had a problem with this and you understood that he was a busy man especially since he was an workaholic. You respected that since you work as well but damn it won't hurt to get a few text messages and more than a hello and a goodnight from him. You didn't realize your pissy mood until someone cleared their throat and you looked up to see the exact man plaguing your thoughts. "Oh it's you." He rose an elegant eyebrow at you tilting his head a bit to the side

"What's the matter with you?" You bared your teeth at him surprising him a bit and he looked around to see no one around for the moment

"Don't worry I'm working on my lunch break no one will be back for another fifteen minutes. You can continue on and leave the papers." You went to grab the papers but he moved them out of your reach

"Not until you tell me what's crawling up your ass." You glared at him

"Oh? The great Uchiha cares all of a sudden. How exciting. He's giving me attention for once. Why don't you go and give it to someone who doesn't need it like you always do. Now if you'll excuse me." You snatched the papers from him " I have to get back to work Mr. Uchiha." You looked down ignoring him until he tch and left.


You were on the phone with your friend and she was asking you all types of questions about your boyfriend and you were trying to be polite but it was getting kind of annoying.

"How tall is he?" You rolled your eyes at her typical flow of questioning

"He's very tall a whole foot and a half taller than you." You heard her chat even though you were ignoring half of it

"What color is his skin?" You looked at the eyebrow raising an eyebrow

"Why is that of importance to you? Ugh, never mind girl, he's an extremely tall shark looking guy with blue hair and as tough as nails and scarier than clowns." She squealed in excited fear since she has a phobia of clowns and you rolled your eyes but then you grew concerned when Kisame appeared in front of you appearing hurt. "I have to call you back." You hung up the phone mid rant as Kisame stared at you "Hey Kisame, what's the matter?" He shook his head stepping away from you

"So that's all you see me as? Just some scary tall shark guy? I'm just a freak to you?" You were confused at first until your eyes widen i realization

"Wait! You misunderstood-" He put a hand up turning away from you

"Save it Y/N" He left leaving you confused and gnawing your lip worriedly


You were counting your money at Kuzu's house for once and you were gritting your teeth in frustration as he kept hovering over you and making sure you don't miss a penny which you weren't. You finally finished counting wiping sweat from your forehead since it was hot and he was too cheap to turn on the a.c.

"Count it again Y/N." You gave him an incredulous look

"What do you mean count it again? I already counted it three times!" You huffed crossing your arms refusing to count it, the heat was making you grouchy and plus you were hungry cause you didn't have enough money on you and he refused to spend money on food for you saying 'you can wait until you get home' which made your mood even more sour.

"In case you made a mistake." You looked at him angrily

"I doubt very seriously that I made a mistake Kakuzu." He huffed grabbing the money and counting it insulting you!

*EDITING* Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios (MODERN) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now