When He Has a Nightmare

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He was spending the night at your house and you were sleeping peacefully until you heard a whining noise come from the right side of the bed and you looked over to see Itachi tossing and turning in the bed. You figured that he was having a nightmare so you shook him awake. "Itachi~" You cooed at him until his eyes opened making you jerk a bit. He looked at you grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him.

"Don't go." You figured that he didn't want to talk about the dream so you complied with him and laid down on his chest as he wrapped a protective arm around you.


Kisame never had nightmares like that but when he did he tried his best not to wake you up but this particular one woke you up. You were on the couch on top of him when he started mumbling. You looked at him to see his brows furrowed and him mumbling under his breath "Kisa?" You kept calling him until he stopped moving and slowly opened his eyes

"I didn't mean to wake you..."

"I was never asleep." You ran a finger down his face "Want to talk about it?" He shook his head and you smiled laying back down on him as he slowly petted your hair.


When he has nightmares he makes sure that he is very silent and very still as to not disturb you. SO if you're awake and he has one he will just casually pull you closer and pretend to go back to sleep and fixing himself as if he was just getting comfortable


You were reading a book when you heard Hidan talking out loud in his sleep "Damn even asleep he doesn't know how to shut up." You got up to see what he was saying this time and you furrowed your brows as he seemed to be in distress

"No....Y/N..." He seemed to be having a nightmare so you decided to wake him up. You shook him and he bolted up with a yelp and he looked around before settling his eyes on you.

"You were having a nightmare." He just shook his head in understanding as he caught his breath before he caught your wrist.

"Stay." You paused before smiling lightly and respecting his wishes


You were on the bed taking a nap with Pein and he was spooning you. You weren't quite asleep yet as you were day dreaming and thinking about different things. Just when you were getting sleepy and closed your eyes you felt the grip around your waist tighten considerably. You went to turn but he must have thought you were getting up because he pulled you closer to him

"Please don't go." You nodded your head no as he allowed you to turn.

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere." You tucked yourself underneath his chin and snuggled deeper into him.


You both fell asleep in the rose garden and you were laying on top of him and you thought he was asleep due to the even rise and fall of his chest. So you smiled to yourself and closed your eyes but was surprised to feel a hand running through your hair and another arm wrap around your waist holding you in place. You managed to look up and he was looking at you with an unreadable expression

"Go back to sleep babe." You tilted your head at him and he shook his head. You gave him a half smile before resting your head back on his chest and you allowed the gentle caress and secure hold in you to lull you back to sleep


You never thought that Tobi or Obito would have a nightmare since he was always so hyper active but you were wrong one day when he decided to take a nap. He had his head in your lap while you were reading a book. You were getting to the good part when you felt him jerk and you looked down to see him staring up at you with wide eyes "What's wrong?" He looked spooked before he turned his head towards your stomach and wrapped his arms around your waist

"Please....Don't leave me...I won't allow it." You smiled at him running your hand through his hair calming him

"I won't leave you not if I can help it."


You were in the living room while Deidara was asleep on the couch. He was tired and had a headache so he took a nap while you ate some crackers with tea. You were thinking to yourself when you heard a yelp. Curious you looked back to see Deidara sitting up holding his chest and darting his eyes rapidly. "Babe?" He locked his eyes on you and he gave you puppy eyes with his arms out. He had a nightmare. You got up and went to him and as soon as you got close he pulled you into his arms and he laid down with you.

"I don't want to talk about it now....just.... be careful and stay away from explosives..." You didn't question it but you figured he had a nightmare of you blowing up.


He fell asleep at his desk working on a puppet and you let him be leaning back on your chair reading a novel. You were so engrossed in it that you didn't even realize that Sasori jerked awake and he was now staring at you with unblinking eyes. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you looked up to see him staring at you. You raised an eyebrow at him

"Nothing....Just your beautiful and don't ever think different." You stared at him weirdly since that was so uncharacteristic for him to say to you

"Thank you babe..." He looked at you before grabbing your hand and pulling you into his lap and resting his head on your back. You shrugged and continued to read your book.


*EDITING* Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios (MODERN) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now