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Graduation was approaching for Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, and Jasper Hale and things were getting complicated. No, not because of Bella wanting to turn or anyone was getting married or getting into a battle over lost loves or someone getting pregnant or a love triangle happening. No, nothing like that.

Rosalie didn't know what to get her girlfriend for graduation.

What could Bella Swan possibly want? Truthfully she wanted nothing so what was Rosalie going to do?

Bella sat in her room next to Edward who was playing with an old flip phone Bella never threw out. He was so engrossed with it that he tuned Bella out the second she got onto Tumblr.

Bella gasped when she found a video popping up. It was of a tiny pig in a pool sitting on its hind legs before being given a cheerio and then it chased the Cheerios by swimming. In other words, it was fucking cute and Bella loved it. Her heart swelled and she wanted one.

"EDWARD," she exaggerated with a sigh, showing him the video. He didn't look over but she didn't care. "I want a pig. Right now. At this moment. Fuck, I'd love to hold a pig like that and give it Cheerios and teach it how to swim...I'd deadass die for this damn pig."

Edward hummed along, only catching "I want a pig" and "I'd deadass die for this damn pig." That was it.

Bella's alarm went off and she sighed, pulling her hair back so she could go to work at the Newton's. "Well, while you ignore me, I'm going to work."


Bella left and went to work. Edward went back to his house. The next few hours were hell for the both of them.

Rosalie burst into Edward's room where he sat there, writing poetry about the fascinating transition Bella had made in the last few months of Rosalie and Bella's relationship.

Bella had changed. For the better, of course. Excluding the emotional change, the most visible was the physical change. More specifically the blazing red that seemed to engulf Bella.

Bella was one of those people that had a different answer to the question, "What's your favorite color?" But, recently, it had just landed on red and never faded. She wore it on her lips and on her nails. Her flannels were mostly red. Her shoes—her shoes were not red but they were cute.

What once was a color used to show how demonic the immortals around her could be was now a color of strength and love. The color that once held fear and showed violence was now holding pleasure and showing gentle caresses. And he thought it was damn beautiful because—

"What am I getting her for graduation?" Rosalie asked, plopping down next to her brother. "Has Bella said anything to you?"

Edward shrugged. "Bella is very minimalistic. I don't think she would ask for anything if she could."


Bella stood at the counter of the Newton's store, thinking about how there could possibly be a way for Smash Mouth to make a comeback in the new Shrek. Would they ever top All Star or I'm a Believer? It seemed very unlikely but one would never know. She looked down at her phone again, wondering where the fuck she went wrong that she had to start caring about Smash Mouth's career.

She locked her phone, wondered what time it was, and picked up her phone once again. She remembered that she had six more hours to go in this stupid store that made no sense. Hiking gear? WOW. So interesting.

Where had Bella gone wrong? She could've been working at Dunkin Donuts and getting discounts on something she would actually use. Damn, she didn't think about that. But now that she was...

Reaching Dusk [A Short RosaliexBella Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now