Chapter 2/Claimed by Darkness

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The Woodsheild Archology. 

Thirty stories below Ortogara's party was in full swing.

"Thank you again Mr Ortograra for the invitation to the opening and I must say for hosting such a complex security detail. " said the President of Earth. "we cannot let threats and terrorist bragging on the internet cower us. Life must go on." They both sampled expensive horderves which looked like micro pizzas made by some celebrity chef. They were being served by some blonde waitress who was too awed by the president to walkway and serve other guests. Ortograra was an old squat man with white wiry hair who had been to busy getting rich to do much about getting himself regularly rejuvenated and was now too rich and powerful to be bothered.

Ortogara looked at the President Earth and finished his micro-pizza.

"Madam President I've been promised we are very safe behind our ring of steel. There are multiple security levels to get into the Archcology. Everyone in this floor is microscopically vetted, there isn't so much as a parking ticket between them. No weapons are allowed on the surrounding hundred floors. We even had your personal security marine robot guards. All unhackable all isolated from the internet, top of the line triple bit encryption. Even if someone did get in there are many many guards. We even check for parachutes just in case someone tried to base jump out of here. Getting out would be impossible. There are four units below us not to mention your personal digital marine shock guards. It would be a suicide mission. No sane assassin would try it. "

The President nodded and decided to try another miro-pizza horderves. Just then  she noticed the important people in the crowd around them were looking up.



"Rodger that," said the girl hanging while ripping the flag cloth.


"What the..." the president added as her attention went up to see a priceless artwork ripping in two. At the apex of the tear was a woman coming down rapidly. She landed just before the president and Ortograra absorbed the impact of her falling the last few feet.

"I come with a message," she said loudly not moving while standing on Ortogara.

The president's bodyguards were already moving to protect the president. The problem was the mile of cloth which had been falling with the girl was forming a moving barrier between them and the president.

The girl looked up "Not you. For Him. " she said indicating Ortogara.

"Don't fuck with the clan" she finished.

In one cut she severed Ortograra's surprised head off. She looked back to the president while blood still spurted.

"You" she shouted to the president grimly but then changed the tone "I didn't vote for you but that speech you gave last week was really good. I'm just saying. you go girl. bye." She smiled.

The president's robot bodyguards were still behind the falling wall of cloth. One moved, but got crushed under the mile of fabric art. 

The girl looked towards the waitress next to her "are those mini pizzas? I love mini pizza's. I'm so desperately hungry."

She picked up one of the horderves up with the tip of the sword. She falipped it up and caught it in her mouth on one go.

"Oh! This is good!!" she said smiling and pointing at her mouth indicating the mini-pizza.

She knew she had a minute before Ortograra's bodyguards could make a move. The president's bodyguard would be pulling the president away. The machines would be confused by the make up and digital camouflage and wouldn't make a shot until the important people behind were clear.

"But spicy!" The girl added "I need a drink! Bye. Thanks!"

She shot the first robot approaching with Grant's gun. Then ran cutting a way out through the cloth with Ortograra's own samurai sword. While she hit the crowd she ran through shouting. 

"Excuse me. Take cover. Some assassin is trying to get the nice president. run!  Nice dress. Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me you dropped your handbag!"

"Echo one come in" said the girl to her ear. Nothing. "Still re-entering" she added to her self.

The girl passed a robot waitress and picked up another glass of Champagne. 

The crowd around her was in complete panic. One of Ortogara's bodyguards turned up. He was in plain clothes but a cyborg and very dangerous he was carrying a machine gun with a bayonet and clearly knew how to use it. The girl smiled ran at him fell to her knees and slid between his legs. Cutting upwards as she went.  The Cyborg began to spill blood and power fluid. Beyond the cyborg, there was another stunned waiter with full glasses. The girl grabbed a glass and downed it on one and threw the glass at a combat robot trying to 'see' her and get a lock.

"Those mini-pizzas were spicy!" the girl added to the shocked waiter as she drank another glass back and blocked the blow of a guard. She checked the waiter's ass out and picked up a third full glass.

"Your not a cyborg are you? Are You free later?" She asked slicing another robot. The waiter did nothing. She looked at him "What's wrong with me? Too Hiro Nakamura for you?" She sliced another robot again while still holding the glass "You right, I'm busy too. Call me maybe?" 

She attacked another two guards "WHY. ARE. THE. CUTE. ONES. ALWAYS. SEEING. SOMEONE" she said punctuating each blow with a word.

She rushed forward. As the crowd parted she noticed a woman in a silver dress.

"Nice dress. It's very on point. Go you." she said to the shocked woman. While she head sliced another attacker. She then grabbed the woman's drink and downed it in one. "That's good this had a Rohypnol chaser lucky you. " 

"ECHO ONE. ECHO TWO" a voice came in. "I'M AT TERMINAL VELOCITY. I'm in the PIPE FIVE BY FIVE" said a machine voice.


High above the tall building. A robot let go of the heat shield and assumed a free fall position. Below it could see the pattern of lights of the huge earth city beneath. It's four arms and two legs spread out to maximise control. The robot was so high up it was having it's own personal sunset as it fell towards the evening in the dirt below.



The Man between my crosshairs (girl X assassin)Where stories live. Discover now