Chapter 34/Office politics

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It didn't take Zoe long to appear in Style's office carrying a compact eGun. The electric gun had two settings kill and stun bolt. While she needed Jerrico she didn't feel like using the stun bolt setting. This was both good and bad for her. Jerrico sneaking around would mount up more evidence he couldn't deny against him. He was framing him self. On the other hand if Jerrico pulled up something he was liable to go public and she couldn't not have everyone on the planet Googling her false company.

Jerrico wasn't that hard to find. He was at a desk outside Styles office. It was in the standing position but the large screen was on.

"Jerrico" said Zoe as she came in.

She looked around. He had taken advantage of the night to make a stealth entry. The security cameras were not design for night, but Zoe wondered how he knew about the weakness.

"Jerrico" said Zoe walking up to the screen while she did she heard a voice whisper, it wasn't an man's voice.

"Jerrico is that you? My company doesn't want to associate with these methods" Zoe said in her executive character. She was secretly pleased. If she fired Jerrico and then Styles was found dead the police would have a good motive.

"What do you mean?' Jerrico's voice said.

"It's OK" said Cathy's voice.

Zoe used her phone as a torch and caught both of them quickly separating hands.

"Cathy ?" Zoe said sounding surprised.

"You've got to see this'!" said Jerrico. Zoe came round.

"Someone in the Styles organisation has been feeding huge sums to an off planet account in the Acadian system" Jerrico said.

Acadia was a tax haven used in illicit money laundering. It was as bad as they came, Zoe knew this because she had used it.

"They have been draining massive amounts to a company which is a front for the Dark orbits" Jerrico said.

"Dark Orbits? Who are they?" Zoe and Cathy said simultaneously.

Jerrico's eyes bulged "The Dark Orbits is an assassination beuro. Think of it as eBay for death.... Hang on there is a second set of similar payments"

"Your saying someone in my dad's company is setting up two kills?" Cathy said. She was clearly horrified.

Zoe realised that Cathy wasn't the host. She hand't ordered the hit.

"We should go to the police" Cathy said.

This was from Zoe's point of view a no no. Her life was on the line and the kind of security tightening which would happen if they found out would make her life impossible.

"You want to tell the police that someone in your Dad's company is paying big money to kill someone? Unless you know who that's going to be, it will be impossible to stick. Unless you get who paid for the contract what's to stop them coming after you?"

Over in the party they watched on screens as the huge space ship fired massive rockets which would initiate the de-oribting manoeuvre. The crowds cheered as the inky black light was filled with the bright glowing halo of engines firing.

"We have engine ignition" a control centre voice said.

Zoe looked around. Look the party will be ending soon. When the solar shades was removed daytime would return. At that point security cameras would work.

"You too better get out of here." She said.

"but we need to shut up. Close files and stuff. I'm copying a chunk of it now but it would take minutes" said Jericho.

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