Chapter 31/offically in hiding

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It was about an hour later when the self driving car approached the moving camp that Jericho occupied.

Zoe looked out, the RVs looked familiar the last time. But the different layout made the stillness feel like they were walking with your fingernails dragging along a blackboard.

Zoe got out and knocked on the door you Jericho's trailer. From what she had seen this was quite a respectable middle-class home. The sort of thing the people sitting in the bunk beds on Archigram dreamt of having. A place to themselves, in a nice neighbourhood, a place they can call their own.

Jericho answered the door, and immediately put down the broomstick he was holding. He was dressed in a dressing gown. Under it was the hint of the plain white T-shirt.

"hey, what are you a gold sleeper or something?" Jericho said as he came. Then he noticed it was Zoe, "You. what is it that you want? I get to sleep right? You don't own me know that...oh shit!"

Zoe was carrying Cathy in their arms. The princess of Archigram was mostly unconscious.

"What did you bring her here for?" Jericho said.

"She's in a pretty cut upstate. She needs some time to recover alone. She want's to get away from her dad - you can understand.

At this point, Cathy woke up she reached out and grabbed his hand against hers. Together their hands made a kind of living ying and yang symbol.

"You'll hide me, won't you? Your nice.. you have nice hands" Cathy said smiling and, falling asleep at the end of the sentence.

"What are you doing bring you her here?" Jericho said his eyes almost popping out of his head.

"She's drunk. She wants to go somewhere no one can find her." Zoe explained. "I thought you could hide her here for a day or two maybe. She broke up with Ryder and doesn't want to be found."

"You're asking your self. Why should I do such a thing?" said Zoe. 

Jericho looked down at Cathy, "But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"

He paused and reached out to carry her. 

"If she has nowhere to hide I guess this is the right place because it is nowhere," Jericho said. He looked down at her, here vulnerable, asleep, he could not bring his heart to hate her, "she can have my bed."

If the truth was told Zoe wasn't totally sure what she was doing. Mother, said the perfect assassin never had to kill anyone. They just organise the situation, put the right people together then let reality take its course. Perhaps this was a smokescreen - allowing assassins to claim that when person A murdered person B that they actually instigated it. Zoe was unsure, perhaps she was organising the perfect assassination, perhaps she was just trying to do what she thought was best for Cathy. Drugs like no-buzz can clear alcohol out of your system but it didn't 100% guarantee you could think straight. so she left it at that. 

Zoe hand Cathy over to Jericho. He pulled her close as he lifted Cathy up in his hands. For such a small man with a thin body, which would look more at home on a string puppet, he had the strength to carry her easily enough. He carried her gently into the trailer He held her while his mother insisted on changed his sheets. They starred at each other rather than argue. Jerrico's mother stared at Zoe with an expression of 'what are you putting me through' and left shutting the outside door. 

With this Zoe hopped into the self driving car and set the navigation system back to the hotel. 


A/N  We hope you are having a wonderful break, if that is appropriate. Thanks to everyone who is voting and more importantly reading. We are entirely in your debt. Your valuable time is the best present you could give any aspiring authors. Speaking of which big shout out to @KaranSeraph for making it on to the Hiden Gems: SciFi page

Festive Hugs Reb&RK. 

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