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Lucy's pov
I had been at Natsu's house for about a week, nothing intimate had happened since the week before.

After school I had a track meet which I was not the most excited for.

I've already had a pretty bad day, just a series of bad things happening to me today.

At the begging of the day, two people asked Natsu and I if we were dating, my first class got in trouble and had to stay 10 minutes after for mis behavior, causing me to be late for my second class.

And then at lunch I had several more people ask me about Natsu and I, and someone also spilled milk all over me.

Not to mention I wasn't feeling well right when I woke up, I believe I have a cold or something...

But the worst part of my day had to me people asking about me and Natsu.

I do like Natsu- a lot actually...

But I do just want to stay his friend. I think it would be better off that way.

Natsu's pov
"Hey Natsu!" Loke said to me as he saw me in the boys locker room.

"What's up Loke?" I said giving him a high five.

"Just a quick question- are you and Lucy like a thing? Cause if you are ima curse you out cause I wanted to tap that." Loke said with a fake sob.

"No we aren't, and i'd appreciate if you didn't talk about her that way, she's more that just her body." I said as dried off from my shower.

"Natsu you're not so innocent, don't act like you weren't watching her boobs bounce up and down as she ran around the field." Loke said with a wink as he walked away.

I seriously hate Loke.

And why has everyone been asking about Lucy and I?

Everyone thinks that we're more that just friends but we seriously are, unfortunately, 'just friends.'

I'd definitely like to be her boyfriend but I don't wanna take things to fast.

We do make really great friends but I like her more than she knows...

But she probably likes some other guy like Gray or something.

*beep* *beep*

I pulled out my phone to see I have gotten 2 texts from Lucy.

Luce: hey natsu sorry if i'm not back at ur place really soon i had to run to the store to get something 🙃

Natsu: it's okay- if your at the store do you think you can get me like a protein shake or something i ran out this morning smh ;-;

Luce: yeah it's no problem! see you soon <3

I stared down at the screen- my eyes were only focusing on the little heart she created with the greater than sign and the number three.

Am I just over thinking this whole thing or does this mean that I actually could possibly have a chance with her ?

I mean it is just a little emoji heart but- you don't just send those out to anyone after all.

Should I start flirting with her? That would increase my chances... Seeing how she reacts will tell me if she likes me or not cause I am pretty confused at the moment.

"Natsu you coming?!" Gray yelled as he hit the back of my neck.

I picked up my duffel bag and followed him outside the locker room.

"Yeah yeah, give me a ride ?" I said as I looked over to him.

"I guess."

We both got in his car and he drove me to my building.

I entered to see Lucy putting things away.

"Hey Luce!" I said as I smiled brightly at her.

"Hey Natsu! How was your day?" She asked sweetly as she looked over to me.

"Eh it was fine. Nothing really happened to me. How was yours?" I asked as I set my stuff down in the corner near my door.

"Hm- it could have definitely been better but it was okay I guess." She said as she smiled to me.

Me and her talked about what had happened in our day and worked on some school assignments together.

"Hey Lucy can I ask you something?" I said as I continued to do my work.

"Yeah sure what's up?" She said as she directed her gaze to me.

"It may be a little to soon to ask this but... Do you ever see us as more than friends..?" I said as I looked at her.

'She really is pretty- like really gorgeous.'

"Ah- I mean yes- but I thought you just wanted to be friends?" She said as she blushed a little.

"I only said that cause I thought it's what you wanted to hear!" I said with a awkward giggle.

She laughed also

"So then, do you want to go on a date with me?" I said as I looked at her, I had a light blush on my face.

"Yes- of course." She said cutely as she blushed even deeper.

"Great lets go right now!"

eekejekk im sorry this is a short chapter but i don't care i worked hard on it appreciate me. also i legit wrote it in like 30 minutes before my school day started ? they'll be another one out today thooooo :)  

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