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Harry POV

I'm at my friend Zayn's house on Saturday afternoon.

I'm in his spiny chair that's by his desk and we take turns playing Call of Duty on his Xbox.

I have a job interview at the hotel restaurant soon, which I'm pretty nervous for. Quinn just said dress nice, use proper grammar and smile a lot. We'll see how that goes.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask my friend who has his eyebrows knotted down at the screen.

"Sure. What's up?" Zayn glances over at me then back to his game.

"I think I might like Quinn," I admit aloud.

My friends movements stop slowly and he quits out of the game, which surprises me. Zayn shifts in my direction and his eyes look confused.

"Quinn Adams?" He clarifies.

"Yeah," I say.

"Are you delusional?" My friend asks me. My eyebrows knot at his words.

"Excuse me?" I ask with a slight chuckle.

"How can you possibly like her?" His brown eyes widen. "She's the definition of a snobby bitch."

I bite my lower lip at his words and press my foot down on his carpet more tensely. "She's not a bitch once you get to know her," I find myself saying.

"I sat behind her in Chemistry last year and wanted to shoot myself. Her and her friend happiness or some shit always talked about nails, makeup, and the country club. Or other rich people problems like the bottle water at the country club being Poland spring and not Fiji water," He exclaims. "You don't even drink bottled water Harry."

"Okay? I told you this because I was asking what I should do," I say, getting back to topic.

"Nothing," He says simply. "She isn't worth your time and possible money,"

"But I like her," I say again.

"You said you might," Zayn points out. "I asked her to get my pencil that fell and she said 'I don't touch things on the ground that belonged to people like you'." He tells me with a look. "Yes, she's hot. But her hotness means nothing because she's obnoxious."

"Quinn isn't like that when we're together though," I repeat. "Do you think I like that fact I have a crush on her? No. But I do, and want to do something about it."

"Go fuck some other chick. You won't think about Quinn anymore," My friend says like it's that simple. My eyebrows knot at him. "What?"

"I don't want to screw another girl." I say.

Zayn huffs and runs his hand through his brown hair. He licks his lips and leans back on his chair. "Harry, man, you're liking a girl out of your league. She's loaded with money. No offence but you're not. How will that work?"

"I don't know," I admit with a sigh. "I just--like her,"

"Is it because she's easy?" He asks me. My eyes widen by his sentence. "That's what her ex told me," Zayn brings up through a slight hum.

"I doubt she's easy," I say. "And no, I don't like her because I want to sleep with her." I add.

"What is there to like then besides her looks then? No offence." He asks me.

"Quinn is fun to talk to. She's nice, believe it or not, and once she's comfortable with you, she's a whole other person that isn't that snobby. I don't know, I just like her," I let out a sigh and tug my hand through my hair.

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