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Quinn POV

My Dad is home for the week as well as my Mom.

I've been meaning to tell them about Harry and I, but whenever I catch them in the same room together, they're arguing. This annoys me because I just want to say who I'm dating and be done with it.

Since they told my sister and I about their divorce, it seems to be more obvious the way they resent each other in a way. You can see it in the look in my Mother's eyes as well as my Father's. Also, the way they talk to each other makes me uncomfortable since it's always a rude remark or something offensive. Mostly my Mother says something rude and he just swears at her.

Family of the year right here.

I stand by my locker around lunch, lost in my thoughts. I really don't want to go home to that house. I can already hear my Mother telling me to stand up straighter or for me to get more elegant dresses. Or I can hear her call my Father rude names and him just take it for the sake of her being a woman and him being a man.

I'm just excited that we have a four day weekend coming up this week. Harry and I are planning on going to the Poconos where we will be meeting my grandmother. I'm excited to see her. She's the only family of mine that has always been kind to me.

"Wanna walk with me?" I hear a voice ask beside me. I look over at my boyfriend. He's wearing his usual black jeans a white shirt. His hand goes through his brown curls and a small smile is on his pink lips. I give him a gentle grin and nod.

"Yeah sure." I say while grabbing my English binder before closing my locker.

We begin to walk to the cafeteria. Small silence is between us, but it's okay. "Oh," I say, bringing up a topic. Harry stops walking to look over at me. "So, I need your help, in a way. So, my parents are both home and I figured now would be a good time to tell them about us. How do you think I should do it? Well, it's hard to even speak to them when they're together because they now always yell, but you get the point." I say while beginning to ramble.

Harry looks at me with a puzzled look and furrowed eyebrows. "They don't know we're dating already?" He asks.

His tone changes from something peppy to something gloomy. "I mean, they know I have a boyfriend." I say, trying to make it seem better than what it actually is.

"But they don't know it's me, yes?" His voice becomes uneasy.

"Yes," I say. Harry shakes his head at me, and I know he's angry now. "Only because they're never around for me to bring it up. And when they're home, they're always in a bad mood usually."

"If it was any other guy Quinn, I bet you wouldn't have waited what? Five months? My parents have known about us since day one."

"Your parents are nice to all people, Harry. My parents can be assholes." I say like it's obvious.

"Whatever Quinn." He dismisses in a harsh tone.

"What do you mean whatever? You have to understand why I haven't told them yet. I'm planning on it while they're in town now." I say.

"Yeah, now, that's the problem." His eyes are burning on me.

"I didn't think it would matter to you this much." I say honestly.

"Of course it would fucking offend me that you've yet to tell your parents that we're dating, Quinn. You've met my family, my siblings have grown attached to you, we have been intimate and we love each other and they don't even know I'm part of your life." Sadness is written in his eyes now which makes me feel worse. I reach for his hand but he moves away. "I-I'll see you around." Harry brushes past me and walks to the cafeteria.

I'm left standing in the hallway feeling like a complete asshole.

I soon walk to the cafeteria. I lost whatever hunger I had in me. My eyes land on Harry's table where I see him speaking to Destiny. They're talking about whatever and I don't know if he's speaking to her about math like he claims, or in spite since he's mad at me.

I walk to my table and sit down besides Joy who greets me with a smile. She was talking about how she's excited about her party that's happening soon, before I sat down.

I don't even know if he wants to go with me to the Poconos now. If he does I bet it will be awkward between us.

My eyes are still on my boyfriend who is looking at his ex with a faint grin and crinkled eyes that are soft, and to me, look loving. I look  to my lap and I let out a deep breath.

Have I mentioned I feel like shit?


I don't get home until late.

I had a student council meeting which took forever, as well as yearbook club, which I didn't mind staying after for. I also had a Prom planning meeting, and a biology lab to make up.

By the time I got home, it was seven o'clock. I'm so exhausted and I'm ready to fall asleep. My house is silent, which is odd considering when my parents are home at the same time, it's never silent because they yell. Well, my Dad isn't home right now but he will be soon I think.

I walk into my room and see my Mother on my laptop scrolling through the photos I have. The one she's looking at is the one of Harry and I. Beside her is the box of condoms that I kept in my night stand.

Oh god, my day has just gotten worse.



Next chapter shall be interesting (:

Comment goal: 50?


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