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I was walking down the street to clear my mind. I didn't do anything to stop the tears that was dripping from my face. I couldn't believe that the only person besides Cardi that I allowed in my life betrayed me.

I took a seat at the bus stop not knowing where I was going, but I knew I was going to get away. I rested my head on my hands allowing the wind to touch my skin. I wrapped my arms around me.

I heard leaves crunching and moving. I picked my head up to see if the bus was coming yet, but I just saw a man dressed all in black running towards me, quickly throwing a sack over my head.

I was in a state of shock. I wanted to yell so badly, but my voice wouldn't leave my throat. Even though I didn't scream, I was able to fight back. But me being 5'1 and 15 pounds. Me fighting back was nothing compared to the larger man.

I felt something hard hit me against my skull and I dropped to the ground as everything began to fade away.

Next Morning


"Why you not listening boy?" My mom asked smacking her lips as sat a hot plate of food in front of me. "My bad, I'm just a little stressed out right now." I said. "What's been going on with you lately?"

"It's about Brianna" She nodded her head allowing me to go on. "She broke up with me the other day." She sighed, taking off her apron and sitting next to me. "What happened?"

"I messed up." I admitted. "So, Justine came to to nyc for about 2 months so far and then she kept coming back to my place. Then once me and Brianna became official, I went over to her place to shut shit down. But I don't even know, we just ended up fuc-"

She put her hand up already hearing enough. "You cheated on Brianna?" She said with her eyes wide. I nodded my head. "Chris you effed up."

"I know. I really wanna get her back but I know she don't see or hear me right now. So I'm just gonna give her, her space."

"Being cheated on is probably one of the worse things you can do to someone. I don't know Brianna well, but I could tell a broken person when I see one and she is broken. It might take her a while to recover." She said honestly.

I sighed. "How long do you think I should wait?"

"That's your call. If you really want her back, don't take too long because there is a chance that she may move on already."

I nodded my head. "Thanks for the food and the advice. I'ma holla' at you later." I told her before giving her a hug and leaving."


"Pick up, pick up, pick up.." I begged as Brianna's phone sent me straight to voicemail. "Something is definitely wrong." I mumbled before I plopped on the couch feeling so defeated.

Brianna left really late and I thought she was just going to take a walk to clear her mind since she wanted to be alone. When I woke up the next day, she wasn't in her bed and it was no signs that she came back after her "walk."

I instantly regretted not waiting up for her to come back. I picked up my phone to call Chris to ask him.


"Wassup Cardi."

I rolled my eyes, biting my tongue to stop myself from popping off on him.

"Hey, have you seen Brianna?"

"Nah, I haven't seen her. She not with you?"

"Duh. If she was with me right now then do you think I would be calling you right now?"

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