The next day...
Scarlett is getting ready for her 'study date' with James, she really wants to look her best. So she puts on her favourite and most gorgeous dress and heels (the dress is black with blue polka dots to match her 3 inch heels) and she puts on some: eye shadow, bright red lipstick and red nail polish done by a proper professional Until... She looks in the mirror and she found a gigantic red zit in the corner of her lips.
WHAT THE HELL, she thought.
She was stressed out now. How was she supposed to kiss him know if they did happen to kiss.
She paced up and down her room until she found the perfect solution. She placed a blue turtle neck over her dress and pulled it up by the neck to hide the zit that was bugging her so much.
"Hi James" Scarlett said as he opened the door for her, "You look perfect..I mean awesome" she said and he blushed. He was wearing navy blue jeans, a checked blue shirt and a navy blue sweater.
"You don't look to bad yourself" He winked. He thought she looked beautiful in her black dress and heels although he wasn't so sure about the turtle neck though.
"Um," he was still blushing, "this way." he said as he pointed upstairs.
To make conversation Scarlett said "Nice place, how long have you lived here?"
"Um... I think around 8 years now" He said as he began to look into her eyes and come closer. She was panicking so she said: "Anyway let's get to work"
They started working on the reproduction of plants. And then the reproduction of animals. And the reproduction of human...
"So the pen-um tube is inserted into the vag-little hole." She giggled at him. She was trying to say the words.
"Sorry," she said," I'm not good with this stuff"
"It's okay" he placed his hands on hers, "we'll get through it together."
He began to lean in closer.
"No! Don't kiss me!"
"Don't kiss me" she said more softly.
"I-I thought you liked me"
"I do but-"
"No save it. Just get out of my house."
"James please"
"I said get out!"
She reluctantly got up and left. What had she done?