Chapter 4: Their First Date

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James and Scarlett are out on a date in their favourite restaurant (it was their favourite because they met there) and they are getting to know each other, even though they already know everything about each other, so far so good...

“Scarlett, what do you want to order. I’m having roast beef, curry and rice. Btw: I am paying!” James said as if she wanted to pay

“Actually I’ll have the same thing as you.

Are you not scared or worried about some-thing? That something will go wrong?” Scarlett said worrying

“What do you mean go wrong?” said James

“Never mind.” she said

“O...k...” said James (they kiss)

I’ll see you tomorrow at school, remember we only have 8 more weeks.”

James cut her off the sentence and said “I know we have the science test on Thursday and today is Tuesday so if you want you can come to mine to study?”

“Umm...ok. See you tomorrow?”She said

“Yeah see you tomorrow!” (He blows her a kiss)(she blows one back)...

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