Silent moments

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The next morning, I woke up to a new start, I woke up with a happiness and a feeling for hope. While everybody else stayed inside the car wondering what the day has brought for them, I went searching, hoping I find something new. I went 1 mile without finding anything, 2 miles without finding anything, 3 miles without finding anything. Into the fourth mile, as I was about to give up, I spotted a red object, ''What is that"? I asked myself, with my curiosity getting the best of me I walked till it was right in front of my face. Astonishment filled up my eyes, to my surprise, I realized it was a boxcar. It was used but not that used, and the best thing is that there were some furniture in it I mean it wasn't that bad. Leaping and running home to go tell the good news. I fell on my face but got up in an instant, knowing that today was my day. As I got closer to the car, I could of saw the despair in my family's face. "Guys I got good news' I said as I approached to the car. "What is it '?asked veronica 'Okay I found a shelter for us to live in I said loosing my breath. where? They all asked at once ''its in a deserted place which I don't know the name but what I do know is that its in good condition and there is some remaining furniture, let go, lets check it out. In an instant everybody raced to the car and drove to the destination.


When we reached to the destination, everybody leaped for joy, it was not the best for us but at least it was something, as we got out the car, the younger kids ran to play in the open space and the older kids went to help ma unpack our possessions. As mom went inside the house, her mouth filled with excitement and joy, It was the perfect house.


As we went inside the house, we quickly began to unpack, me and veronica put up the dividers  to divide the rooms, leasia and Sabrina blowed up the mattress we found in there. soon after, we moved on, I started to put sheets on the mattresses and leasia started organizing the bedrooms. I felt accomplished and began to see small shadows coming from the window.

While we fixed the house, ma was cooking. as I went into the kitchen, I could of smelt the aroma of the food. ''What are you cooking'' ma, I asked "nothing much, its just pumpkin soup' 'she answered back. I could of told that my mom felt a bit better because the past few days has been harsh for her and dad.


Later that evening, we all dressed up and went exploring, as we walked, we played close attention so no animals will attack the younger kids. After walking for about 10 minutes, a row of houses came into view. As we got closer to them, we realized that it was basically a mall, checking it out, we found  thrift shop, a liquor shop, a grocery store, a pet store and a small boutique. We first entered the thrift shop, there we found amazing deals. Dad said we could of spent at most 10 dollars, we spent 9.50 and spent the 50 cents on doughnuts. After visiting the thrift shop, we visited the pet store hoping to get a job there  and thanks God we did find but there was only place for two. So Daddy said me and leisha can take it, feeling grateful, we picked up  two applications and made our way to the liquor store, there, daddy got a job, he was scheduled to start working tomorrow.


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