Chapter 1: Meeting the one

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Grade 11 in Hayden High was one the best years of my life, I met her. As I walked into the door of Mrs.Walkers class I was seeing my usual friends saying our yearly "How was your summer?" and me answering "It was really good lots of fun!" When in my head I new it was horrible, But little as I know I was about to meet the love of my life Kathy Green.  In the corner of my eye it was a group of girls, it was pretty normal well that's what I assumed. As I walk to the other corner of the classroom I trip over Sarah Jacksons strap on her bag and suddenly the hole room went to complete laughter as I get up and start running out of the classroom I saw the only girl that wasn't laughing was her.

And that's how it all begins.

I'm running down the hall feeling totally embarrassed and the only  thing holding me back from running out of the school was the thought of Kathy Green the girl I saw. I turn the corner from my class and hide in the bathroom. I put my back to the wall and sit on the floor nearly crying. it was so silent that you could hear a pin drop, after 5 minutes of my siting alone I hear foot steps coming closer. And I hear "are you okay?" it was kathy. As i'm about to say I'm fine I hear her sliding down the wall right at that moment I realised that she cared. And now sitting on the other side of the wall caring about me.

"im fine, I I I just had to get out of their"

"I understand come out of the bathroom come talk to me", I start walking out when I release that its kathy! I open the door and see her beautiful face waiting to talk to me. I say "Uhh hi I'm Max" as I reach out my hand to shake hers. She says "I'm Kathy, Kathy Green".

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