Black out

30 2 1

Sajah's Pov
"Ugh, where the hell is this guy." I said to myself, checking my phone for the time. It was 11:34 which means I've been waiting for this dick for about 23 minutes now.
I guess the bar tender could tell I was kinda stressed, so he went over to me to take my order.
"Anything for you darlin'?"
"A-" Then I was cut off by a man who swooped in out of nowhere and sat next to me.
"A whiskey for me and a mojito for beautiful right here." He said the last part while looking at me.
I was about to protest until he started talking to again.
"So, what's a pretty lady like you doing here."He winked, making me gag on the inside.
"I'm suppose to be meeting someone."
"Well you met me, does that count for something?" He smiled and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Here you are" The bar tender said while putting the drinks down on the table.
"Thank you, my good man. I believe this is for me, and this is for you."
He gave me my drink while I chuckled at his fake English accent.
I looked down at the mojito and thought to myself, should I really drink
alcohol that this random guy gave me?
Then he brought me out of my thoughts by speaking again.
"Cheers" He said while holding up his shot glass.

1 drink later, we continued to laugh and make small talk. Then, my head started to pound. It felt like someone banged on my skull with a hammer over and over and over again. The voices around me felt like they were getting louder and louder. My vision blurred then I almost fell out of my seat but the guy caught me.
"Woah, are you okay?"
"Yeah,yeah I'm fine, I'm just gonna go."
I replied with a very slurred voice.
I stumbled out of my chair, almost falling in the process.
I made it to the door and just realized I can't drive in this condition.
Then, everything around me started spinning and slowly fading to black.
Suddenly, my legs turn into jelly and I'm on my back, knocked out cold.

Can my night get any better.

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