Fucked Up

21 0 0

Drip Drip Drip

I lay there, slumping in my chair, twitching with agony. The pipe above me slowly dripped of water, landing on my forehead.

The droplets dripped down my face, running down to my chest. I lifted a hand to wipe some and to my discovery, it wasn't water that was running down my face. Blood fairly warm and a dark shade of crimson was on my finger tips.

I looked up slowly, only to find a dead woman's bruised up body hanging above me, naked and upside down. Blood overflowed from her mouth, each drop dripping slowly.

Very slowly.

Suddenly, a loud slam woke me, almost making me go into a semi heart attack.

Clank Clank

The sound of the sole of a pair shoes clanking against the dirty tile floor was heard, each step getting closer to me. The black figure stood in front of the chair then bent down. A large hand grabbed my cheeks, making me open my mouth a slight bit. I felt a warm, gooey substance fill my mouth, tasting of oats and raisins.

I swallowed and took mouth full after mouth full of the liquidy substance. Mid-chew, images after images of the woman from my dream appeared, each one more traumatizing than the last.

As I chewed, I looked straight ahead, trauma in my eyes. Tears dripped down my cheek while I wore a blank expression on my face.

Then I thought to myself 'So, this is what surrender feels like. I'm in the most powerless state, too weak to even lift a cotton ball. Me laying here, letting a deranged mad man who will possibly kill me in the future, take care of me like I'm a pathetic little baby. When. When will it all change? When will the pain go away?

When will I be able to wake up from this nightmare?'

I guess I have no choice but to be

Fucked Up

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