Say My Name

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


September 25th, 2016 - 9:21am - 129 South Miranda Place - Los Angles, California


I gave myself some time to really think over how I felt about the whole Nas-Onika ordeal

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I gave myself some time to really think over how I felt about the whole Nas-Onika ordeal. I was jealous. That was the only way to describe it. And I was mad that she got so angry at the three of us when we were around guys while it was totally okay for her to make out with one in our yard.

It occurred to me then that I really didn't know Onika, I mean really know her. Rob and Lauren were able to forgive her moodiness because they understood the person behind it. I didn't know that person and what guidelines the three of them had set up for their side of the relationship. I didn't know what made Onika tick.

I did know what she did for a living and I knew she loved Lauren and Robyn dearly. I knew she had a beautiful smile and a great laugh. I knew her sense of humor and her temper and her sleeping patterns. She really liked music, all different kinds. She was trying to convince Rob to let us get a dog. She only had the one tattoo. Her mother had passed away a couple years ago and Caiah was her only sibling. She was the reason we had bendy straws in the kitchen and she loved snickerdoodles and Popeye's. Not together though.

Her whole wardrobe was black, white, leather and denim, but her favorite color was pink. She surfed, but didn't own her own board and she knew how to knit, but didn't see a use for wool socks in Southern California. She ran away from home once when she was seven for three whole hours, but came home when she realized she'd have to sleep outside. She cut her own hair and always fell asleep on her right side and woke up on her stomach. She favored Rob in the relationship, but Lauren in bed. She loved jewelry, but never wore any.

All of these little tidbits, I'd picked up by accident. Beyond this information that I'd overheard, I knew nothing about what really made Onika smile. I had no idea why she always had to be the big spoon with Rob and Lauren. I could predict what not to do to get in her way, but I had no idea how to make her happy. That in mind, I knew I didn't have the right to be jealous. We'd made a deal to keep ourselves separated. It was my condition so I didn't have the right to go back on it or to feel slighted by that kiss. It was not my place to think in the back or front of my mind that Onika should be mine.

I purposefully ignored the notion that a small part of me still wanted her to be mine. That's neither here nor there.

After a few pep talks with myself, I was again comfortably resigned to our agreement. Her feelings for me hadn't changed so of course she didn't go back on our deal. We continued as we had, not looking, not talking, not touching. It became so standard that I guessed that I would have no idea what to do if things between actually did become civil or even nice. I knew they never would, so I moved passed that notion too.

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