iv. our little secret

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Wangho wakes up to an aching back after a night of having fun with his lover. He finds the other side of the bed empty and cold. He sighs, he did not bring any spare clothes with him and he really does not want to use the discarded used clothes on the floor. He opens Sanghyeok's closet, only to find a ton of white t-shirts. He finds the situation a little bit funny. Wangho makes a mental note to buy Sanghyeok more polo shirts or any clothing item but plain t-shirts because Sanghyeok needs a break from these white t-shirts.

He grabs a white t-shirt and pants before proceeding to shower.

"Wangho, where were you last night?" Jaewan asks. Junsik looks up from his cellphone and butts in before Wangho could answer, "Isn't it obvious? He's wearing a white shirt."
A small smile slowly forms in Jaewan's lips. He wiggles his eyebrows. Wangho blushes. He wants to smack his hyung so bad.

Sungu, who is kind of dense, asks what Junsik meant. Junsik roars with laughter and pats Sungu's head, "Your innocence must be kept and protected at all costs."

Wangho and Sanghyeok decided to keep their relationship a secret. To some people, homosexuality is disgusting. Sanghyeok does not give a fuck about other people's opinions. On the other hand, Wangho is scared to be hated for being who he really is. He is afraid to lose the fans who deeply support and love him. Sanghyeok once told him that if his fans truly love him, then they would still stay by his side despite him being bisexual. Unfortunately, it is not enough to ease Wangho's concerns. Although, they are careful, Junsik and Jaewan somehow know their secret.
They tried to deny it when the bot duo confronted them, but the duo just wouldn't believe them, so they spilled the beans. Wangho wanted to cry on the spot. He almost cried — almost but his tears were gone the moment Junsik revealed that he and Jaewan are a couple.

"Hyung, please don't make comments like that," Wangho whines to Junsik. Junsik cheekily slings his arm on Wangho's shoulder.

"Ah, Wangho, no need to be scared. Everyone else in the gaming house is dense and clueless. I think coach knows, but I'm sure our secret is safe with him."

"But stil–"

"Shush. Let's go back to the gaming house and give the punks their coffees."

Everyone is streaming. As usual, howls and screams resonate in the gaming house. These noises are frequently heard in the background in every member's stream that resulted to fans calling their gaming house 'the skt torture house'.

Wangho is currently playing Lee Sin. He is hiding in the bush, waiting for the right time to gank when a donation startled him.

'Are you wearing Faker senpai's t-shirt'

He is quite flustered and he hopes it is not that obvious. He glances at the twitch chat and everyone is spamming KappaPride. He can feel his cheeks get hot. He is about to respond when another donation came in which promptly shut him up.


He has to stop this crazy turn of events before it escalates into something much crazier.

"G-guys, please don't suggest such things. Ahh.. Why... This is so awkward."

'Why would it be awkward though?'

"Remember when there's a voting poll for SKT's best couple? Uhmm.. Faker and I got the most votes. I admit it made us a little bit uncomfortable with each other. Knowing that our simple interactions mean something to fans. I just... I'm not saying that you should stop..shipping us if it makes you happy. It is a bit awkward, but it is okay with me. Just... Don't say it to our faces or in public. Sanghyeok hyung is like a brother to me...so I hope you understand."

'We are sorry Peanut. We will stop now'

"Like I said, you do not have to stop if it makes you happy. This shipping thing will always be there especially if you're a public figure. I'm fine with it. Just don't force it onto us. Thank you for all the support and love."

For the rest of the game, he got donations expressing their love and how much they look up to him for the way he reacted. He felt really warm inside. To be honest, he really is thankful that there are people who ship them – it is great to know that there are people who support his relationship with his hyung even though they do not know that their ship is real. He feels the love, and the insecurities (about his sexuality) he has are slowly getting erased.

He is now saying goodbyes before he ends his stream when a donation almost made him want to jump off a fucking cliff.

'Lol_Faker: Wangho KappaPride'

Despite the sudden influx of kappapride emotes, he does not miss a certain comment from a twitch user. He ends his stream right away. Wangho buried his face on his hands. Sanghyeok just basically told everyone about their relationship. Sure, people might take it only as a joke. But there are people who will take it seriously just like that one.. He lies down his bed, the certain comment still haunting him.

'Ewww gay...'

Poor, poor Sanghyeok. Poor Sanghyeok wouldbe sleeping on the couch tonight.

"Wangho-yah ~"
Wangho smacks the hands on his stomach. He's trying to wiggle out of Sanghyeok's back hug, but to no avail, he couldn't.

"Why did you lock the door yesterday?"

"Because I totally wanted to be with you."

"Are you mad about that?"

"Nah, I'm just pissed off."

Sanghyeok frees Wangho from his back hug. He has his hands on Wangho's shoulders and spun him around. Their faces are too close, and Wangho wants to run away.

"You practically just announced our relationship!"

"They will take it as a joke. No need to be stressed," explains Sanghyeok in a jolly tone. Wangho glares at him. Sanghyeok pays him no mind and continues, "besides what is so bad about the whole world knowing the fact that you are mine?"

Wangho had his ability to speak taken away from him. How can Sanghyeok just say something so common for lovers, yet make him feel as if it is the first time he has heard it? Wangho is speechless. Sanghyeok does not need Wangho's answer. He lets his lips touch the younger's. He savors the softness and the lavish sensation brought about by the younger's luscious lips.

"Hey, don't mind them. I should be the only one in your mind. Also your family and friends, but you already know that. A lot of people love you. Why mind the hate from people who don't even matter? Focus on those who love you. Focus on me. Only me." chastised Sanghyeok as he looked straight into Wangho's eyes. Wangho laughs a little and gave Sanghyeok a peck on the lips.

"Selfish prick"

Word vomit lols. I honestly don't know what I typed but I'm going to publish this anyways hehehe.

I'm throwing updates to your faces because I'll be busy next week

School wants me dead

EDIT: I only changed the title. Wattpad swapped the titles of this chapter and the other draft. I honestly do not know how it happened.

of heart shaped smiles and white t-shirts [ Faker x Peanut ]Where stories live. Discover now