v. can't we be more than that? (college!au)

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"Wangho, that guy has been checking you out for some time now," Haneul whispers to his ear. Wangho raises his brow at the information and follows the line of sight of Haneul. He gestures for them to leave the vicinity immediately. He knows he is beautiful. Everyone is free to stare and appreciate his beauty, but please not to the point of creeping him out to the highest levels. He enters the student lounge side by side with his bestfriend, Haneul. As they walk, he is greeted by every student they pass by (of course, they greeted Haneul, too). He lets a smile grace upon his lips.

He sees his other friends seated at their usual spot, the reserved spot for the popular ones (they never said anything about owning the area, but everyone just avoided going there). He waved and they waved back.

"Soooooooooo what's up? How are you guys"
Honeslty, with all the influx of school works their professors decided to throw at them, having a friend who asks you how you've been is the best. He flings an arm around Jongin's shoulders.

"I got a test tomorrow, but I decided and realized that it is not worth it. Grades don't define who I am. Fuck the system," as if to prove his point, Junsik put his middle finger up for everyone to see. He sighs. Junsik will always be Junsik. Thinking back to Junsik's bold statement, he remembers that he, too, has a test tomorrow on a subject he hates with a passion - Calculus.

He groans and facepalms, "Oh yeah, I have to go home early to study for our Calculus test tomorrow."

Jongin asks while popping a popcorn to his mouth, "You're not joining us tonight?"

He suddenly felt the need to slam his head against the cold, hard table. They have a movie night tonight, how could he forget? It is a tradition for them to bond over movies once or twice a month. Well, it's not like he is gonna miss something big if he did ditch them to study. But it would have irritated him greatly if they come back the next day talking about something he can't relate to.

"Y-yeah, I need to save my grades..."

"If you want to save yourself, why don't you ask Lee Sanghyeok to tutor you or something?"
Junsik suggested which made Wangho to contemplate the given suggestion. He then shakes his head, "I can't just suddenly ask someone whom I never to talk to, even once, to tutor me out of nowhere. I'd probably creep the hell out of the guy."

Contrary to popular belief, despite being famous, Wangho is rather shy around people who he doesn't know that well. Yes, he smiles whenever someone greets him even though they aren't close but that is because they are the ones who first approached him. He can never ever approach someone first and take the initiative to start a friendship. Honestly speaking, he is awkward when it comes to people he is not close with. He is confident but that does not mean that he has the confidence to straight up strike a conversation with someone who is practically a stranger to him.

"Eh, but you are the Han Wangho. What are you afraid of?"
What Haneul said somehow sent a small wave of confidence in him, pushing himself to reconsider Junsik's suggestion.

"You know what, your shyness will not make you miraculously pass your Calculus test."

He sighs and can already feel the coldness slightly coursing through his veins, "I guess you are right, Junsik."

Once he enters the room, he catches a glimpse of unruly hair in front, adjacent to the teacher's table. Bewildered, he is, he asked his seatmate about the newcomer. That seat has never been occupied for two weeks since the semester has started.

"Hey, Sungu, who is that guy in front? Not familiar to me."

"Oh, that's Sanghyeok."


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